Friday, March 31, 2006

Youth Group Scavenger Hunt

Hello Hello! So i pretty much just got back from Youth Group which was really good. Our "event" of the evening was a scavenget hunt of random objects found in the Bible. so we basically had to find items such as:
Samson's hair
a nail from the cross
Mose's rod
brick from the pyramids
Well, I think you get my drift here. So in my group I had me, Amy, Carmen and Alisha. You can just imagine the chaos that insued. I even leaped into the snow a couple of time to fetch our items. So here's what we collected... (now more of these items are "attempts" to replicate the Biblical object.

Bunch of branches-fishing net. My explaination for it was that it was it was the "poor man's net" cause the guy couldn't afford rope. See the fish get caught in the holes and then you take the branches out of the water and viola! You have a fishing net

Stick-Moses's rod. I captured this one and in the attempted had to get through some snow so my shoes got wet and Alisha tried to push me in the snow but me being bigger than her i really didn't move much

Apple-fruit from the Garden of Eden. I don't think this need any explaination. Though Biblicall speaking, it doens't say "apple" it says "fruit"

"Y" stick with elastic band-David's slingshot. Very make shift but it works in this case.

Stone-something used during the stoning of Stephen. Oh the good old fashioned type of stoning. I think that's pretty much self explanitory.

Empty cup-something used at the Last Supper. yes i'm aware that styrofoam wasn't invented 2000 years ago, but it represented the cup that Jesus thanked at the last supper.

Cup with water in it-water from Noah's flood. Ok so technically it's from a puddle near our old church. And it's got some mud in it. If you think about it, there was heaps of mud in the water from Noah's flood...think about it

Two jars and a gold lid-gold, franincense, and myrrh. For this i got the idea of getting old glass containers from the town recycling bin and passing them off as the perfume/spice bottles. I found one that said "Extra Virgin Olive Oil" and me thinking that was pretty funny suggested that maybe the wisemen knew that Mary was gonna be a virgin when she gave birth so that's why they gave her a container that said "Extra Virgin". Ok so i thought it was pretty funny. While i was looking through the recycling container and Amy commented on how we were "dumpster diving" in Spalding, which if you think about it, sounds pretty sad.

Cup with mud and grass in it-bricks from Egypt. So i figured that back in the day the Isrealites used mud and straw to build the bricks for the pyramids (or whatever they built for the Egyptians), so we mixed up some mud and grass to represent that. When Nathan asked what the mud was I explained that it was our "organic brick"

Bread-manna from Heaven. We figured that bread was the closest thing to manna. The bread and apple was provided by Edna Johnson. When Brenden saw that we had an apple from his grandparent's place he told Amy "Give me back my grandpa's apple!"

Hair brushed out of my head-Samson's hair (not shown)

Now for some unknown reason Taylor's group put a dolls head on their "Moses's rod". Amy said that it's just like Lord of the Flies and said "Yes just like Lord of the Fries" even though i meant to say "Flies". So we both started laughing at and I dubbed Taylor Lord of the Fries. He seemed to like that. Dude, i totally love Taylor's shirt!

Before we presented our "scavenger hunt" to everyone, we had to find the Biblical verse to prove that it was the right item. So this is Kimberly helping out Jessamy, Nadine, and Elise.

So this is Nathan, Amy and me. I think it's a cool pic of Nathan and Amy and it looks like i'm pondering painful constipation. And if you look closely you can see Taylor's "Lord of the Fries" staff.

This is a close up of Taylor's "Lord of the Fries" staff. Creep isn't it?

Me and Carmen. Not really the best picture of either of us, but i suppose this will do for now. After our little devo for the night, we also played "4 on a couch" but by 10:00 everyone was kinda getting annoyed, but it was still fun, even though no one really won the game

Wow that took me a while to post. But then again I'm also talking on MSN so that might explain it too.

Monday, March 27, 2006

Coming LIVE To A Theater Near You!!

Ok so my #3 obsession is coming to a city relatively near me. Now before i go on I must tell you that my #1 obsession is VeggieTales and #2 is Darth Vader (and relatively anything Star Wars) and #3 is.....


Alright so i was casually talking to one of my old roomates and i noticed that part of her msn name was "Phantom is coming to Winnipeg". So instantly after i saw the words "Phantom is coming..." I started freaking out and Googling it just to see when the show was coming to Manitoba. Then i find out that it's coming to Calgary in July!! Whoah! Again with the freaking out!! I was talking to my friend Amy (also on MSN) and she's a big musical fan too (she was recently in a small town production of "The King and I") and so she was freaking out too. I called a friend of mine in Red Deer cause i was sure that he'd love to hear my excitement over this and when i told him the dates of the show in Alberta he was taking notes. Now me being an obsesse of the show i wanted to go very very badly and I think Scott caught on to that cause he said that he'd see what he could do. AAAAAAAAAAAAAAHHHHH!!! I seriously should have timed my "freak out session" which lasted from hearing "Phantom is coming..." to when i e-mailed my fellow obsessees in Saskatoon. Now that i think about it I think the whole process lasted about half hour. And it included screaming, jumping, breathless talking, and yes, even some crying. And i was showing Amy my Phantom mask on webcam and was telling her all about my Phantom merchandise. Curious? Well I have piano music, 2 copies of the soundtrack (musical and movie, and i have the movie one pretty much memorized), and a Phantom mask. Ok I know that that really doesn't sound like alot, but still.

I guess this whole obsession started in July of 2004 when me and by friend Trent were driving from Saskatoon to Stoney and we listened to the whole soundtrack. He already saw it in London and since i wasn't driving i was following along with the lyrics and Trent would pause the CD accordingly to tell me what went on on stage during that part when he saw it in London. And trying to invision what Trent was telling with what i was hearing, i was amazed. Then when we got to camp a few of our friends started getting curious about it too so they hopped on the band-wagon. Then just before i headed off to New Zealand, Trent, me, Krystin and Nicole heard that the movie was coming to S'toon. So what do we do? We dress up all fancy like and headed off the movies! Observe...

Then on my way to NZ i had a stop over in LA and of course there was music stores in the LA airport and my eye instantly sought out the POTO soundtrack (movie version). And since i considered it my LA "splurge" i bought it. And since I had it at school and a mini poster that I printed out and took overseas with me, everyone at school pretty much knew i was a Phantom fan. I even captured my friend Mark playing the Phantom's theme on keyboard on my digicam.

So since this whole fiasco started of my goals has been to see POTO live. And this year, i just might get my wish.

Thursday, March 23, 2006

So You Think You're Smart...

Below are four (4) questions and a bonus question. You have to answer them instantly. You can't take your time, answer all of them immediately. OK?

Let's find out just how clever you really are.

Ready? GO!!! (Scroll down)

First Question:
You are participating in a race. You overtake the second person. What position are you in?

Answer: If you answered that you are first, then you are absolutely wrong! If you overtake the second person and you take his place, you are second!

Try not to screw up in the next question.
To answer the second question, don't take as much time as you took for the first question.

Second Question:
If you overtake the last person, then you are...?

Answer: If you answered that you are second to last, than you are wrong again. Tell me, how can you overtake the LAST Person?

You're not very good at this! Are you?

Third Question:
Very tricky math! Note: This must be done in your head only.

Do NOT use paper and pencil or a calculator. Try it.

Take 1000 and add 40 to it. Now add another 1000. Now add 30. Add another 1000. Now add 20. Now add another 1000 Now add 10. What is the total?

Scroll down for answer.

Did you get 5000?

The correct answer is actually 4100.

Don't believe it? Check with your calculator! Today is definitely not your day. Maybe you will get the last question right?

Fourth Question:
Mary's father has five daughters: 1. Nana, 2. Nene, 3. Nini, 4. Nono. What is the name of the fifth daughter?

Answer: Nunu?

NO! Of course not, her name is Mary. Read the question again

Okay, now the bonus round:

There is a mute person who wants to buy a toothbrush. By imitating the action of brushing one's teeth he successfully expresses himself to the shopkeeper and the purchase is done.

Now if there is a blind man who wishes to buy a pair of sunglasses, how should he express himself?

He just has to open his mouth and ask, so simple.

Saturday, March 18, 2006

The Late News (3:20 am Type Late)

Oh blog! how you comfort me late at night when my dreams can't. You know how sometimes you can lie on your bed and "nap" before actually getting ready for bed, and when you actually are ready for bed you can' sleep? Does anyone know what i'm talking about? After this update i might go and read for a bit if this blog doesn't remedy my temporary insomnia.

And why is "Pump It" playing now? Silly random function on Media Player. This was supposed to be my wake up song. meh, i guess i can reset it when i'm done.

So i was a model today. No nothing fancy with a catwalk and paparazzi hounding me down and capturing my ever move. No this was for a Ladies Retreat at my church. I basically got to wear my friend's mom's Value Village fashions. I feel inspired to shop there more often. Plus i got to enjoy my church's "potluck" type meal. Man those are good. I wish i could cook... plus i got to spend a little bit of time conversing with women. Godly women, that is. Godly women who i look up to and want to be like.

Oh and something exciting happened just before my modelling career started. So when i got into church i immediately saw this year's brochure's for Stoney Lake Bible Camp which is where i used to go as a camper and where i used to work too. So i was scanning the various pictures trying to recognize people i knew. Then i see this picture of a group of people by the dishwasher we have. I recognized my kitchen help girls and one of my chore boys...then i saw me! I was on the brochure! I feel honored! Seriously! Whenever i see someone that i know on the brochure i'm happy for them. I remember that one year my friend Ben was on the brochure and i was so stoked for him...and now it's my turn to be stoked...but for me!! yay!! I feel like a celebrity, well as much of a celebrity as you can get in the Stoney Lake Bible Camp circle. Usually pictures from the previous year on the brochure, so you would have expected pics from 2005 on the brochure and since i was still in NZ i obviously wasn't at camp last year. I'm sure this luxury of being on the brochure will fade within a week or so. But still...I don't see pictures of YOU on the brochure! So i win :) Ironically I didn't even apply to Stoney for this summer.

Well I"m still not sleepy yet, maybe "Pride and Prejustice" will help me sleep. I remember watching the old school movie @ school on our Girl's Night Out and me and Elise kept making comments on Mr.Darcy. I love that man. I want a Mr.Darcy *sigh*. He's just one of those guys that you hate at first cause he seems stuck up but in essence he's shy and doesn't know what to do about it. Then he frustrates you cause he's trying to do the right thing and at the moment you dont' get what he's doing and you hate him for it. But once he explains things it all make sense, you love him because you realize that he's got your best interests at heart and he wants to take care of you and make sure you're ok. *sigh*

Thursday, March 16, 2006

The Rain is Like Sin

Thomas Kincaid picture & commentary by his daughter...
I hope the rain shows in the picture! It's awesome if it does! The message is awesome, too!

One rainy afternoon I was driving along one of the main streets of town, taking those extra precautions necessary when the roads are wet and slick.

Suddenly, my daughter spoke up from her relaxed position in her seat. "Dad, I'm thinking of something."

This announcement usually meant she had been pondering some fact for a while, and was now ready to expound all that her six-year-old mind had discovered. I was eager to hear.

"What are you thinking?" I asked. "The rain," she began, "is like sin, and the windshield wipers are like God wiping our sins away."

After the chill bumps raced up my arms I was able to respond. "That's really good, Aspen."

Then my curiosity broke in. How far would this little girl take this revelation? So I asked.. "Do you notice how the rain keeps on coming? What does that tell you?" Aspen didn't hesitate one moment with her answer: "We keep on sinning, and God just keeps on forgiving us."

I will always remember this whenever I turn my wipers on.

In order to see the rainbow, you must first endure the rain!!!

I Think I'm Growing Up

It's actually not as bad i thought. I mean the journey to "adulthood" hasn't been easy (I"m still working on it). Ask me sometime, and i can tell you, and you may never want to stop learning.

I've seen drastic changes in my friends. Some changes good...others, not so good. Of course i can say nothing to change them, they have to learn for themselves as i did. And if i had an internal mirror I could show you where I've changed

I've realized now that emotions are stupid little yappy dogs that you need to yank the leash on and yell "Shut up!" They lie. And if you let them control you they can take you to places that you never thought imaginable, and that's in the worst sense possible.

I've learnt that Truth doesn't fail. It's Truth and you can't change it, it may only change in your mind, but that's because you're emotions are barking at you. Control those montrous creatures! Truth doesn't change, it's been the same since the beginning of time and if God would have wanted it to change, He would have changed it, but He hasn't changed and you can't mess with it.

As for "yes"'s got me into alot of trouble. And my "no"'s kept me safe. Recently I said a big "no". It was a good thing, even though i keep apologizing for it. I KNOW it was a good thing. I've learnt that my "yes"'s should be based on thoughtful prayer, wise advice, and based on my experience in certain situations. Patience is on my side in this. Decisions in love should never be based on yippy little emotions that bark so loudly that i can't even breathe. Why can't they be nice quiet fish!!!!

Mistakes are made to be learnt from. But dont' go purposefully doing stupid things, cause if you do you will be forever paying for it. Your mistakes help shape who you are, and you can't change that. Without your mistakes you wouldn't be you.

No, I'm not all grown up yet...are you kidding?!
I will always be the 11 year old who fell in love with VeggieTales and hasn't given up since.
I'll still be the 12 year old who giggles at the thought of NSYNC.
I'll still be the loud 14 year old that everyone wants to shup up but then they'd be bored with the silence.
I"ll still be the 16 year old who can blast unpopular music from her car.
I'm still the 18 year old that can eat eel and pigeon and still survive.

I'm still me...but better.

Sunday, March 05, 2006

And the Oscar Goes To...

You've to be nuts to think that I wouldn't post my thought on the 78th Academy Awards.
So here we go...

There were many memorable moments to this year's show. 1st of all the big shock of the night being the winner for Best Original Song-3 6 Mafia's song "It's Hard Out Here For a Pimp". It was a nice change from the typical softer tone of music that comes from Oscar winning songs. I actually didn't get to hear the whole song. I was channel flipping to avoid having dad hear the word "pimp". Don't ask why, i just did that. But i did get to hear the basic jist of the song. Ironically one of the artists from Three Six Mafia thanked Jesus. Now that was the only person that thanked Him. The only one. The runner up for thanking God was Best Actress Reese Witherspoon when she said she was "blessed". That's it. That kinda tells you a little something about Hollywood these days...of course you as movie goers probably saw that coming a mile away. I thought I'd just like to point that out.

Of course I was excited to hear that Reese Witherspoon won the award for Best Actress. Now i can't say that i've seen "Walk the Line", because i haven't yet, but the most recent movie of her's that I've seen is "Sweet Home Alabama" and i enjoyed her work in that. Now i dont' think that has anything to do with her current win, but I suppose that's ok too. I was actually shocked to hear that Reese Witherspoon's and Ryan Phillipe's daughter (Eva) is 6 years old. Dude, i totally remember seeing pictures of Reese in her pregnancy stages in a Seventeen magazine...but apparently that was over 6 years ago. Man i"m getting old fast!!

Oh and another memorable moment was when Jennifer Garner almost slipped on stage. That definately had the potential to be humourous however she pulled it off very gracefully. Good for you Jennifer. Speaking of Jennifer...did anyone notice that Brad Pitt wasn't at the Awards? Well he could have been but he just wasn't acknowledged. I thought that was an interesting fact.

On a personal note the amount of accents in the Kodak theatre was great. I think there was eveything from South African, to Australian, to British, to Irish to (of course a fav of mine) New Zealand. I love accents..."I don't know how to quit you"! (just to steal a quote from "Brokeback Mountain") Oh and it was nice that Peter Jackson didn't walk off with a wheelbarrow full of Oscars like he did with "Lord of the Rings". Refreshing change.

As for Best Picture this year's winner was Crash . Now i don't know alot abou this film because my only experience with it was when the cast was on Oprah. All i know is that it's a film that makes you think about tolerence and racial issues.

Well that's all for now. "Good Night and Good Luck" !

Saturday, March 04, 2006

You Almost Got Us Killed, Are you Brainless?

Ok so over the past week I have rekindled my love for Darth Vader by watching the 1st 3 Star Wars movies. And in keeping with the "online quiz" theme that I've been having on my blog for the past little while, I thought it would be appropraite to see what Star Wars character I am. Personally i was hoping for Princess Leia and marry Han Solo. Actually now that I think about it, a guy like Han would be great cause he'd be fun to fight with and he's got just enough "bad guy" in him to make him interesting. Alas, I'm not the Princess...turns out I'm Qui-Gon Jinn. Huh?

Thursday, March 02, 2006

Currently in Earlene's Life...

1.What time is it? 6:28pm
2.What is your full name? Earlene May Cullamar Ulrich
3.Who picked out your name? mom
4.What are you thinking about right now? "Count it on joy, all that you're going through. even when you're feeling down...." Count It On Joy byBebe and CeCe Winans
5.How old are you? 19
6.How tall are you? 5'6 ish?
7.What size are your shoes? 9-9 1/2
8.What color are your eyes? dark brown
9.What do you always get complimented on? attitude

What is your favorite:
10.color? green or pink
11.animal? dog
12.person to talk to? depending on what it is, either dad or Nikki show? CSI (vegas), Oprah, O.C. and Whose Line is it Anyway? Lime green VW Bug
15.hobby? decorating different containers "Since You've Been Gone" comes to mind whoever works
18.drink? coffee...caramel macchiato from Starbucks cheesecake and pizza brand? Le Chateau or Old Navy of the year? May 10
22.board game? Cranium

23.Who is the prettiest person you know? Kalli or Caitlin
24.''hottest? Graham
25.''funniest? Graham
26.''mysterious? Ruth
27.''nicest? Jen (Detox)

28.Who was your first crush? Brett Huebner
29.Do you like someone? ya....maybe....
30.Do they like you? does the whole "we're just friends" thing count?
31.Do you have a gf/bf? no
32.If so, who is she/he? n/a
33.Do you want to marry him/her? n/a
34.How would you describe your relationship? n/a
35.Have you ever been in love? yes
36.What do you look for in a girl/guy? someone to take care of me and who likes me for who i am
37.Explain your dream date- spending time with that person...picnic, beach, car ride, mini golf...
38.Are your parents still together? yes
39.Do you want kids? yep
40.What are your favorite kids names? my daughter's middle name HAS to be Rose (after my grandma) other than that...don really matter. Oh! Good strong names for my boys (ex. Peter, David...Biblical names are good)
41.When did you last go to a school dance? Gr.8 back in Spalding School
42.What is the last thing you ate? pancakes
43.Who is the last person you talked to? dad
44.Do you tell your parents or friends more? depending on what i have to say
45.Who is the last person you were thinking of? Amy
46.Whats the longest time you've kept a secret for? years i think
47.Have you ever liked a cousin? uh no
48.Have you ever seriously hurt someone? maybe a little emotionally, but not physically (that person is ok now)
49.Have you ever cheated on a test? can't remember
50.Have you ever liked someone so much u cried? yes
51.Have you ever had a dream about the person you like? yes
52.Have you ever kissed someone? yes
53.Have you ever wanted to kiss someone? yes
54.Have you ever fallen asleep in class? close but no
55.What kind of cologne are you wearing? Night Fever
56.What is your best memory? one word...CAPERNWRAY!
57.What is the scariest thing you've ever done? skydived... or would it be skydove?
58.What are you most scared of? being rejected....
59.Have you ever been badly injured? no
60.Whats the first thing you notice about a girl? smile
61.Whats your most embarassing moment? I was actually just thinking about this. K, like back in Gr.7 i called a guy just to tell him that i had a crush on him. However the next day at school everyone knew and things have been weird between us ever since.
62.Who do you admire the most? Cat or Vanessa or Nikki or Jen (I'm seeing a roommate trend here..)
63.What movie do you really want to see? The Benchwarmers
64.What's the last movie you saw? Star Wars: The Empire Strikes Back. I still have to finish it.
65.Do you have a job? not yet
66.If so, what is it? n/a
67.Goals in life? buy a wool coat, you know. One of those nice black ones that people have...well that's my goal for now.
68.What's in your pocket? no pocket today
69.What's in your wallet? money, club cards, sticker pictures and business cards
70.Whats your locker combination? don't have one
71.What's your deepest secret? Like I'm gonna tell you!

72.long hair or short hair? i miss my long hair! It's like chin length now
72.Vanilla or Chocolate? chocolate
73.fair or tanned? tan
74.Relationship or one night stand? relationship
75.up or down? up
76.striped or spotted? striped
77.funny or serious? depends or athletic? both
79.summer or winter? i like having both as very distinct seasons
80.What time is it now? 6:54pm