Monday, July 04, 2005


hey everyone!! I really apologize to all those who have e-mailed me over the past couple of weeks and I haven't e-mailed back yet. The past weeks have been filled with last minute packing and saying goodbye to people. I know I already mentioned that in my last post, but you know. I'll try by best to catch up on all the e-mails that I've been behind on during the next week while I'm in Hamilton.

so at the moment I'm in Auckland and I've been hanging out with some friends from school and I also watch them leave our hostel and see them on the way to the airport. It's really sad. The last day of school before everyone parted ways was really sad because everyone was hugging everyone and saying goodbye and everyone was crying (well I know I was @ least) it was really sad. I'm hoping when I get back I'll do some major roadtripping...especially to Alberta & Manitoba ;)

Well as for the new things that have happened to me lately....since a bunch of us were bored in downtown Auckland we ended up seeing 3 movies in theatres. I ended up seeing Batman Begins, Madagascar, and Mr. & Mrs. Smith. They were pretty decent movies (or as we say @ Capernwray "they were pretty dec"). Madagascar I saw by myself and I wish that Stacey or Ruthie was there because it had a bunch of inside jokes in there that only those 2 would understand. But ya that was fun.

before Shandell, Whitney and Jana left, Shandell helped me dye my hair black. I know I said I was going to wait until I got home but I talked to Ron (our principal) and he said I could dye it. so i did. It's kinda weird actually seeing black hair on me as opposed to the espresso brown that i"m used to. Now i just gotta get my layers trimmed up and it should look great

I think that once i say bye to everyone that's here with me right now I'll head down to Hamilton. Once I'm there I can catch up on e-mails, read a book @ Starbucks and sleep in. Yes! I'm excited

Well if some of you dont' know yet, I'm staying here until December 15. so if you want to contact me e-mail me @ and if you go to the link that i have on the sidebar under my Schools heading and click Capernwray, it'll give you and idea of where I live in New Zealand. Plus you can hear my principal (Ron) and director (Peter Thomas...otherwise known at PT) on there too

Well i guess that's all for now. I apologize again to those who I haven't e-mailed lately, you know who you are ;) But i gotta go now. Love you all tons & God bless :)

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