Sunday, August 28, 2005

i have just eaten EEL


WHAT??? Ok for evening tea, Dean made gumbo, eel, and mussels. We've
had mussels before and I think this is the first time for gumbo. However
the eel was definately a first. yes , I ate it. I think some of the
guys went eeling (which is like fishing but you catch eels) and Dean (our
chef) cooked it. So when I saw it on the "buffet" line I thought I
might as well try it. Vanessa told me to get my video camera and video my
eel eating experience. so I did. It tasted alright and I only took a
couple of small bites of it but i did eat eel. So I was done eating it
and it was on my plate and I was squishing it because, well I could and
then something dark brown and pooh like substance squished out of it.
Ya it was sick!! But I didn't eat that part....but still. SICK!!! so
that was my experience eating EEL!! GROSS!!

"Blessed are those who have learned to acclaim You, who walk in the
light of Your presence, O Lord." Ps. 89:15

Saturday, August 27, 2005

What I Did Yesterday

Sunday Aug. 28

Hey it's Founder's Day @ Silliman University in the Philippines!
Somehow I actually remembered that. Weird as! That's the Uni that my mom went
to and I visited the high school there last time we went to the
Philippines in 2001. But ya, if you're reading this in the Philippines and you
know of Silliman University....HAPPY FOUNDER'S DAY!

Alright, what did I do yesterday? Not much. a fw of us went into town.
Me and my friend Adam had lunch @ Ron's (our principal) favorite cafe
in town. Then we went to the book store and I bought two "classic"
books. They were also on sale for "buy one get one free" and I"m always a
sucker for sales ;) So ya i ended up buying "Dracula" because I saw the
ballet last week and i got "Pride and Prejustice" which is what us girls
watched on Thursday. I dont' think you can ever go wrong with reading

Then we walked by the musuem and we were like "it's open. Let's go
it!" It was SO random, yet so awesome. There really wasn't much in the
Cambridge musuem. I think the Spalding one had more antiques (do still
have the musuem), and that's saying somethine because Cambridge is like
Humboldt size. But ya it was fun taking pictures with the manniquins (if
I spelt that wrong, you know what I mean).

Then we found a path in the park and we went right under the narrow
bridge that everyone crosses to get into town. It was pretty much your
typical NZ walking path you got your mossy trees, silver ferns, oh and
even a waterfall thrown in there for good measure. Don't worry I got heaps
of pictures and I'll post them when I get home (sorry for the wait).

Then we ended up going to Warehouse and I got 2 cheap CD's:
Duelin' Banjos (for whenever I'm in a "Hick music" mood) $4.99
Avril Lavigne..Let God $6.99
I love this country! But ya that's pretty much all I did yesterday.

Oh ya! Me, Adam, Ray and Vanessa all played pictionary out by the
picnic table @ school. It was nice to just sit in the sun and play a game.
It was fun too because watching people guess what the picture is always
fun :) Good times had by all! Then the rest of the day was spent
e-mailing people. I think I sent about 6 e-mails yesterday, somewhere in
there. Then I read a little bit and since I was tired I went to bed @ about
10:30. And that was about it. Not really that eventful which is how I
usually like my weekends.

Oh I have come to the conclusion that guys in white collared dress
shirts and blue jeans look really really good. That's my "thing". Like my
friend Ruthie last semester, her "thing" was guys in baseball shirts. I
have found my "thing". As in the "thing" that I think makes guys most
attractive. There you go. So if my "Mr.Darcy" (of course based on the
character from "Pride and Prejustice") is reading this and you want to
impress me, wear a white collared dress shirt and blue jeans. ;)

"I will sing of the Lord's great love forever; with my mouth I will
make Your faithfulness known through all generations." Ps. 89:1

Thursday, August 25, 2005

Faith Like A child-Jars of Clay

Friday Aug. 26

hello friends! last night was had a "girls night out" and the guys had
a "guys night in". I think, from what I heard, the guys kicked around a
flaming ball and played soccer with it and I think they must have
played Xbox because there's one set up in teh lecture hall. So I think they
had fun.

Us girls however spent last night @ Elizabeth Thomas's house and
watched a movie. A chick flick actually. and not just any old chick flick.
This is classic beyond classic: PRIDE AND PREJUDICE!! I don't care what
you say, it was a good movie and I had fun. Well actually I think me
and Elise has the most fun because we kept commenting on the movie and
saying stuff like "No Mr.Darcy! Come back! Ask her to marry her! No! Why
did you shut him down?!! Come back!!" ya we had fun :) Even thought the
movie was 5 hours long (don't worry, we had food breaks which consisted
of lasagna and we had homemade cheesecake too) it was probably the best
click flick I've been to because of the people that were there. I think
that people totally make or break a movie. It was awesome!!

I've come to conclusion that I want a Mr.Darcy type guy. I mean someone
that has my best interests @ heart an will take the aciton necessary to
see that i"m ok.. I'm really thinking about buying the book now. I
tried to read the book when I was in Gr.9 (?) but I wasn't really into that
stuff then. Now that I've seen the movie I think i"ll like it more. So
if my "Mr.Darcy" is reading this, call me okay? ;)

"Let them know that You whose name is the Lord-that you alone are teh
Most Hight over all the earth." Ps. 83:18

Monday, August 22, 2005


Mon. Aug 22

Hello friends. Just now, well we just got back from soccer and my team
played awesomely. We were able to stay on the court for about 5 games
in a row! Yeah! Sorry I can't really explain how our system here for
soccer works but let's just say that team did good :) I
really can't take credit for it because I just kicked the ball to Tim and
Cullen and attempted to keep the ball away from Jason (who was in goal).
That's about all i did. But ya. I"m tired and I need to plan my Girl's
Bible Study for tomorrow (yay for procrastinating!) So I'll hear from
ya'll soon! God bless!

Sunday, August 21, 2005

Leaving the World - JustStayCalm

Sat. Aug 20

Hello friends, I know I haven't blogged in ages and I apologize. Sorry.
so here's the quick low down on what's been happening in teh Chronicles
of Capernwray...

A couple of weeks ago i had the best week ever! Mainly because I had
gotten a letter from Nikki (and I cried when I read that :( Mainly
because I miss my Nikki ) and a packge from Stacey and a package from Amy.
How awesome is that? From STacey I got:
-Ernie stickers
-zebra stickers
- a toy zebra (we have an insdie joke that i"m giong to "kill" her with
a zebra)
-Jonah collectors cards
-a whoopee cushion keychain (she gave the same thing to Ray and we
ended up having a whoopee cushion fight after lectures one night)
-PEZ candy & container
-jolly rancher candies
-a picture of us
-a Ernie and Bert cut out for scrapbooking (which I'm going to change
into a magnet when I get home)
I can't rememeber the rest off hand, but that's ok. THANKS STACEYFACE!!

Then from Amy I got:
-a collage card
-a card that the girls from church signed
-a LarryBoy bookmark
-2 pairs of socks (which came @ a good time because a couple of my old
socks had holes in them)
Why can't I remember the rest? Well you get the point anyway. THANKS
AMY!!! So ya that was my packageness! yay for me!

So this week I guess the highlight for me was giving blood and seeing
the ballet Dracula. Ya you read that right...I got my blood sucked out
of me (for a good cause, of course) then i went to Auckland to see a
ballet about a blood sucking vampire. Isn't that kinda ironic? I think
it's down right funny as! Oh and I also got a stuffed toy in the shape of
a blood drop. Ok that sounds creepier than it actually is. I've got a
couple of videos of me @ the blood donors some of them I just act like a
big nerd and I suppose that's okay too :) No there's no shot of them
actually poking me....I can't deal with that, and I wish i could get
videos of the ballet for you to see, however I wasn't allowed to. Oh well.
I'll just have to show you the brochure that I have.

It was amazing! I mean that's the first actual ballet that I've been
too. Well, I mean I've been to dance recitals but they don't even compare
to what I saw last night. I mean these guys are pros! And you could
tell! They had fog machines for some of the Dracula scenes, oh and the
coolest part was during one the intermissions they had the blueish light
on the ceiling and they had tiny lights installed in the ceiling so it
looked like you were outside and seeing the stars, they even had a
couple of shooting stars! Man I want to take dance again, especially pointe
because I've never done that before and I want to learn how, however it
know that's expenseful. So I probably won't get a chance to do it,
which I totlaly understand. Maybe one day...maybe.

Alrighty well that's all 4 now. Today my plans are to do pretty much
nothing. Well ok...go on a fish & chips "date" with Vanessa, then hlep
cook "evening tea" with Vanessa and Katie, then maybe work on my Monday
morning tea devos (I'm torn between doing God's forgiveness or
distractions that we have in our lives that pull ua away from God....what do you
guys think? Which should I do?), then maybe getting my Girls Bible
study figured out too (I'm thinking about doing a lesson from Lot's
wife...maybe). Alright, so maybe I won't be doing as much "nothing" as I
thought I would be. *shrug* oh well! Hope you year from you mates soon! God

P.S. If you're curious to know, I've finished all of the "Chronicles of
Narnia" (well technically I didn't read "Magician's nephew" this time,
but I have read it) and before I finished all that those I read Daniel
(as in the Biblical book) and let me tell you...there's some weird as
stuff in there. That man had some weird visons of the end times I dont'
want to be around to see them happen *shudders* creepy as! But ya. I'm
planning on reading Isaiah, then maybe a book called "Finding God in
the Lord of the Rings" then another biblical book (Jeremiah?) then maybe
reading the actual LOTR. But we'll see how that all goes.

Southern Humor

Tues. Aug 16

Hello again! My friend Laura is from the Southern states (Arkansas) and
she sent this to me so i can understand a bit of Southern humor. If you
don't get it all, that's ok because I didn't get all of it either. But
it's still fun to laugh at. Have fun:

If you are from the northern states and planning on visiting or moving
the South, there are a few things you should know that will help you
to the difference in lifestyles:
The North has coffee houses, The South has Waffle Houses
The North has dating services, The South has family reunions.
The North has switchblade knives, The South has Lee Press-on Nails.
The North has double last names, The South has double first names.
The North has Indy car races, The South has stock car races.
The North has Cream of Wheat, The South has grits.
The North has green salads, The South has collard greens
The North has lobsters, The South has crawdads.
The North has the rust belt, The South has the Bible Belt..
In the South: --If you run your car into a ditch, don't panic. Four men
in a
four-wheel drive pickup truck with a tow chain will be along shortly.
try to help them, just stay out of their way. This is what they live
Don't be surprised to find movie rentals and bait in the same
not buy food at this store.
Remember, "y'all" is singular, "all y'all" is plural, and "all y'all's"
plural possessive.
Get used to hearing "You ain't from round here, are ya?"
Save all manner of bacon grease. You will be instructed later on how to
Don't be worried at not understanding what people are saying. They
understand you either. The first Southern statement to creep into a
transplanted Northerner's vocabulary is the adjective "big'ol," truck
"big'ol" boy. Most Northerners begin their Southern-influenced dialect
way. All of them are in denial about it.
The proper pronunciation you learned in school is no longer proper.
Be advised that "He needed killin" is a valid defense here.
If you hear a Southerner exclaim, "Hey, y'all, watch this," you should
out of the way. These are likely to be the last words he'll ever say.
If there is the prediction of the slightest chance of even the smallest
accumulation of snow, your presence is required at the local grocery
It doesn't matter whether you need anything or not. You just have to go
Do not be surprised to find that 10-year-olds own their own shotguns,
are proficient marksmen, and their mammas taught them how to aim.
In the South, we have found that the best way to grow a lush green lawn
to pour gravel on it and call it a driveway.
If you do settle in the South and bear children, don't think we will
them as Southerners. After all, if the cat had kittens in the oven, we
wouldn't call 'em biscuits.

Saturday, August 06, 2005


Sat. Aug 6.

A couple of quick "riddles" from our chef Dean (or recently known as
"Osama Bin Chef"):

If you don't eat your dinner have cant have any pudding. How can you
have any pudding if you don't eat your dinner.

If you want to get ahead, get a hat. If you want to get a hat get a
head ?

Well as for what I've been up to lately..the past week I was busy with
working on my Family Bible study (Deut. 29:29) it's a really sweet
verse ;) Somehow I ended up having 10 pages written out, like of full info,
and then somehow i compressed all that into 1/2 and hour when i
presented it. Totally a God thing :)

At the moment there's sort of preparation for a dance party...1st one
of this semester. I'm stoked. Well kinda because I've been doing nothing
all day (except read) so it's nice to have something to do. I could
have been working on my Returning Student bible study however no one
really knows what we're supposed to be doing for that. I've been trying to
avoid it all day today and I think I've done a fairly good job of it.

I also called Amy on the phone today. That was fun. I think i totally
surprised her, which was the plan. Hehehe! She also told me that she
send a package for me last week which means it should get here in the next
2 weeks or so. Ya fo packagedness!

At the moment I'm reading "Chronicles of Narnia". At the moment I'm
reading "The Silver Chair". Here's the books that I've read since 2 week

-Sidetracked in the Wilderness
-The Odyssey
-The Horse and His Boy
-Prince Caspian
-Voyage of the Dawn Treader (probably my favorite so far in the Narnia
-Zechariah (as in the 2 biblical books...minor prophets)

Ya i know that's alot of books, however the Narnia ones are fairly
short and they are really hard to put down once you get started. Oh,
they're SO good! I highly recommend them :)