Tuesday, April 11, 2006

A Conversation Between Friends

Arg, I can’t get a good rant/poem/thingy going, I started like 3 poems, but they all ran dry before I could finish them. Why can’t I be a good writer?!?!

don't try, just let it come naturally.
Because maybe trying is your folly
These things must just come to you
don't worry about it, don't feel blue
I'm sure you'll think of something
Just like that *ding*!

I now thoroughly hate you *dong*

why? cause i could think of a poem? LoL!!

You don't thoroughly hate me, i know you can't
So don't blame me if you can't think of rant

If I could think of a poem,
That could drive me out of my boredom.
Then I wouldn’t be so fickle.
And get myself out of this pickle.

Like i said, you just shouldn't try
why force something, it could be a lie
Why not find something random and rant about that?
How about a camera, a shoe, some tape, or an odd hat?
maybe, just try that and see if it works
if not, just drink some coffee from a perk

From a perk??...

i found this in a jones lid
“Think about, whirled peas…”

yes I've gotten that Jones lid before
C'mon, give me something new! Don't be a bore
Still not finished the blog yet, there's alot there
"Save a horse ride a cowboy"...not a mare
This poem thing is quite fun, relaxing almost
I'm hungry, so i should make some food, or some toast
maybe you should post these poems, people might read them
and then they'd think "Interesting! That's cool! What a gem!"
No toast for me though, i"ll stick with my iced tea
but if i drink too much, i might have to pee

*This is an account of actual events

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

iced tea good. yes. i might have to pee? mmhmm... shirley's iced tea is awesome, and we actually have ice cubes now. yay!