Friday, July 25, 2008

Update and also because I'm kinda bored at work...

Alright i get it. The only thing that i've actually put on here in the past year is that I'm engaged and my most recent versions of my Christmas Wish List. Well alot has happened over that past 11 months.

- finished school @ SAIT, no more of that super disorganized school which costs WAY too much in the first place. Yes, my classes were good in and of themselves and sure i met some great people there but really people? Sait is not so good. They charge you about $200 a semester for student parking AND you get no plug in for your car in the winter, where's the logic in that? And it took me 4 months to get my laptop deposit cause they didn't even try to contact me telling that i gave them my old address. *sigh* oh and residence there? Don't even get me started...seriously just don''ll regret it

- i finally moved out of the hectic maze of a city that is Calgary. Thank God for that! Now i'm in Red Deer which I quite enjoy actually enjoy being in. It's close to Scott, the traffic isn't too hectic and the drivers (for the most part) know how to drive. I'm pretty sure i'll be retracting that statement once winter comes. Plus according to SCott there are some people that just shouldn't drive because they don't know what to do in construction zones, but i digress

- i lived in an apartment in rEd deer for about a month or so. me and SCott were able to get into one of the college townhouses so that's where I'm at now, just waiting to be married so that i can share my little home with Scott *sigh*. Seven years of looking forward to this whole thing and it's actually going to be a reality in 8 days. 8 DAYS!!! do you understand me people?!?!?!? 8 days!!! it feels WAY too surreal to be real but it is real!

- i recently got a job working a hotel. it's's a job to hold me over til i get a travel agent position somewhere. Some people (mostly customers) can be so strange. I'll be finishing one file and putting it in the proper folder then the next person in line will start talking to me about whatever issue they are having with maintenance or their key is not working or whatever. I've already told them "I'll be with you in just a second", which translated means "i can only think about putting about putting this peice of paper in its proper place at this moment, so just wait!" i don't think people get that. Or there will be those customers that just want to chat about, well nothing really. IT's those kind of conversations where the other person just chats to you and all you can say to them is "oh really? that's nice". When those conversations happen i try to be as polite as ai can on the outside, but what i'm really thinking is "i really don't care, what do you want me to say to you?"

- oh, so since I'm less likely to get questioned about this if i put this info on here rather than putting on Facebook (lets face it, everyone checks Facebook, rarely anyone checks personal blogs)....I lost my engagement ring. I know, i know. Super sad :( I've looked everywhere i could for it. I've asked everyone @ work, me and scott searched everywhere for it in my townhouse. Can't find it. I've looked in the garbage, it's too big to fall down my drains, i've checked the sinks...everywhere. I've come to accept the fact that it could be gone forever, which makes me really sad and depressed because it was a very beautiful ring, but what else can you do when you've looked everywhere for it? I lost it last weekend, so i've been looking for days...i think it's just gone...

- on another slightly sad and depressing note...actually i'll just start at the beginning for this one. Way back in March i won a gift card for Swimco. I went to swimco several times in March and April trying on bathing suits, sun dresses, that kind of thing to make sure that i was getting the exact thing that i wanted with this gift card. Plus Swimco is usually out of my price range, so whatever i got out of this gift card HAD to be good. So i found the perfect red one piece that accented all of my curves and hid my squidgy-ness. It was perfect! I also decided to get a very cute navy halter top dress. However in the months of March and April, i couldn't afford this because even though i was working part time, i also had to eat, pay for gas to Red Deer... so i just had to hold off for those items. Finally i got a full time job and i could FINALLY afford this stuff!! I was super excited once i bought them. Loved it!! The opportunity to wear them finally came the day after I lost my engagement ring. Me and Scott decided to go boating with the family. Sounded great! I could work on my tan (which i desperately needed seeing as Scott is now darker than me and usually he's very very white...that and i'm very competitive) and i could show off my hot summer clothing items. So i put on my red swimsuit and went on the boat. Then it came to my turn for a ride on the back of the boat. I chose to kneeboard since i haven't done that in a while. So i got the lifejacket on and hopped off the back. Next thing i know, I'm stuck and have a monstrous wedgie. Yep, i got a caught on a little tiny handle on the back of the boat, which not only did the fabric get ripped up in two places, but it get wedged up my butt. Really really not confortable. So Scott's dad had to unhook me and once i was in the water i assessed the damage. It was bad. really really bad. luckily there were an extra pair of shorts in the boat, so Scott chucked those to me. Unfortunately they were Marc's shorts, so they just barely fit me anyway. Argh. I was super stressed cause not only did i loose my engagement ring but i successfully wrecked the most expensive swimsuit i ever bought. Not a good weekend. Fortunately for me i have an amazing fiance who quickly made me feel better by not only giving me options on how to fix the swimsuit but also just talking to be me and making me see that it could have been much worse. See, this is why i love him. So i accepted the fact that my swimsuit was wrecked. However on a good note, it was still slightly salvageable. i decided i would just get a seamstress to convert it from a one peice into a two piece by hemming the top half to be a tank top and just cutting off the bottoms so that all i would have to do is just go to Walmart and buy cheap bottoms. Problem solved. That night i decided to have a nice hot bath when i got home. So i decided to stop by Walmart to get a bath plug because i didn't have one. They were closed. So when i got home i just had the best bath that i could while plugging the drain with me heal. Needless to say, it was just one of those weekends....

OK, so i think that basically covers my latest life issues. i'm sure i'll update more on my blog, mostly because the computer with Facebook is used up during the week with other staff. So that restricts me to e-mails, the Stoney website, and my blog. Oh and i guess i do have access to Kraft Canada and Food Network websites. So i can give you updates and print out recipes....yep that's all i can do while i'm at work...oh, and i guess i could do my job too ;)

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