- double sharp x= raises a natural note 2 semitones (Fx= G)
- double flat bb= lowers the natural note 2 semitones (Dbb=C)
- chromatic-same letter name
- daitonic & whole- different letter name but don't skip
Minor Scales
- Tonic Major/Tonic Minor=major and minor scales that have the same tonic
Italian Terms
- Animato=lively, animated
- Brillante=brilliant
- Con=with
- Con Brio= with vigour, spirit
- Con Expressione=with expression
- Espressivo=expressive with expression
- Leggiero=light,nimble, quick
- Tranquilo=quiet,tranquil
- A major interval can be made minor by lowering the top note of raising the bottom note a chromatic semitone
- Augmented interval x= a perfect/major interval that is made of one semitone larger,raising the top note or lowering the bottom note
- Diminished interval o= a perfect/minor interval that is made one semitone smaller, lowering the top note or raising the bottom note
Augmented <- Perfect-> Diminished
x <- P -> o
Augmented <- Major-> Minor -> Diminished
x <- + -> - -> o
- sometimes the lowest note of an interval is not the tonic major key : take the accidental away, figure out the interval, then figure out the interval with the accidental back in place
- Inverted= an interval that is turned upside down
- When you invert intervals the following happens: major= minor, minor=major, augmented= diminished, diminished=augmented, perfect=perfect
- *the interval plus the number of its inverion always equals 9*
Italian Terms
- Accelerando= gradaully getting quicker
- A tempo= return to original tempo
- Alla= in the style of
- Assai= very, extremely
- Ben=well or much
- Col, Colla= with
- Coll'8va=with an added octave
- Con moto= with movement
- compound time=the basic beat is a dotted note, they have 6,9,12 as the upper number
- compound duple time (6)= there are two beats in each measure
- compound triple time (9)= there are three beats in each measure
- compound quadtruple time (12)=there are four beats in each measure
- In compound time, as in simple time, a whole rest is used to indicate an entire measure of silence for any time signature
- Rests may be combined into dotted rests if they fall on the 1st part of the beat
- Triplet=consists of a group of 3 notes that are played in the time of 2 notes of the same type
- Duplet= 2 notes are played in the time of 3 notes of the same value, compound time
- Quadruplet= 4 notes played in the time of 3 notes of the same value,compound time
- Quintuplet= 5 notes played in the time of 3,4, or 6 notes of the same value, depending on time signature
- Sextuplet= 6 notes played in the time of 4 notes of the same value
- Septuplet= irregular grouping of 7 notes
- To determine the value of irregular grouping look at the entire bar
- Syncopation occurs when the pattern of the strong and weak beats in the measure is altered
Italian Terms
- Non= not
- Non troppo= not too much
- Ottava, 8va= play an octave higher or lower
- Piu=more
- Piu mosso= more movement (quicker)
- Poco=little
- Poco a poco= little by little
- Quasi= almost, as if
- Sempre=always, continuously
- Triad= three note chord
- Major triad=consisting of the rt, +3, P5
- Minor triad= consisting of rt, -3, P5
- When describing triads always work back to root position
- Never change the given note
- Raise the 7th in a minor key in a dominany triad
Italian Terms
- Senza=without
- Rubato= a flexible tempo using slight variations of speed to enhance musical expression
- Tenuto=held, sustained
- Troppo=too much
- Vivace=lively, brisk
- Una corda= one string, depress the left (piano) pedal
- Cadence= place of rest in music
- Perfect cadence dominant triad-> tonic triad (V-I) is the most common
- Find the key and key signatures, use Roman numberals under the bass staff, write the roots of both triads in the bass clef
- Figure out the chords of the dominant, write in the roman numerals and name each cadence (perfect cadence)
- Place notes of I & V in bass, other notes get placed in treble
- Move to the chord of I-keep notes in common in the same voices
- Other notes move up 1 step to the notes of the chord of I
- Move remaining notes as smoothly as possible to the tonic chord
- The notes from the chord of V move up to the chord of I
- In a minor ley the leading note is found in the dominant chord and must be raised. Perfect cadences in minor keys always have and accidental in the dominant chord
- Plagal cadences= the subdominant chord moving to the tonic chord (IV-I)
- Same process as Perfect Cadences however Plagals move down to the chord of I
Cadences in Chorale Style
- Chorale style= triads are written in four parts : Soprano, alto, tenor, bass
- The root of the chord is doubled
- The space between tenor and soprano must not exceed one octave
- space between bass and tenor can be up to 12 notes
Finding the Key of a Given Melody Without a Key Signature
- If accidentals fall into the correct ordr, the melody will be in a major key
- Collect the accidentals, put them in order as they would appear in a key signature(major key)
- For minor keys...........
- Flat Keys- the missing flat in the order of flats will be the raised 7th in the minor key
- Sharp Keys the last shapr collected will be the raised 7th of the minor key
- In a minor kjey of up to four sharps there is always a skip of two sharps from the last sharp of the key signature to the leading note
- Double sharp is also a raised 7th
- In a minor key the 6th note may also be raised, this will be the melodic form of a minor scale
- Flats NEVER raise notes
- Transposition= writing/playing a melody at a different pitch/key
- Find the original key
- Find the interval at which the new key will be written
- Write the new key
- If the given key has accidentals, then the new key will also have accidentals
Italian Terms
- E,ed= and
- fp, fortepiano= loud then suddenly soft
- Grave= slow and solemn
- Loco= returh to normal register
- Ma=but
- Meno=less
- Meno mosso= less movement, slower
- M.M= metronome marking
- Molto= much, very
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