Tuesday, December 07, 2004

Theory Study Notes-Grade 1


  • double sharp x= raises a natural note 2 semitones (Fx= G)
  • double flat bb= lowers the natural note 2 semitones (Dbb=C)
  • chromatic-same letter name
  • daitonic & whole- different letter name but don't skip

Minor Scales

  • Tonic Major/Tonic Minor=major and minor scales that have the same tonic

Italian Terms

  • Animato=lively, animated
  • Brillante=brilliant
  • Con=with
  • Con Brio= with vigour, spirit
  • Con Expressione=with expression
  • Espressivo=expressive with expression
  • Leggiero=light,nimble, quick
  • Tranquilo=quiet,tranquil


  • A major interval can be made minor by lowering the top note of raising the bottom note a chromatic semitone
  • Augmented interval x= a perfect/major interval that is made of one semitone larger,raising the top note or lowering the bottom note
  • Diminished interval o= a perfect/minor interval that is made one semitone smaller, lowering the top note or raising the bottom note

Augmented <- Perfect-> Diminished

x <- P -> o

Augmented <- Major-> Minor -> Diminished

x <- + -> - -> o

  • sometimes the lowest note of an interval is not the tonic major key : take the accidental away, figure out the interval, then figure out the interval with the accidental back in place
  • Inverted= an interval that is turned upside down
  • When you invert intervals the following happens: major= minor, minor=major, augmented= diminished, diminished=augmented, perfect=perfect
  • *the interval plus the number of its inverion always equals 9*

Italian Terms

  • Accelerando= gradaully getting quicker
  • A tempo= return to original tempo
  • Alla= in the style of
  • Assai= very, extremely
  • Ben=well or much
  • Col, Colla= with
  • Coll'8va=with an added octave
  • Con moto= with movement


  • compound time=the basic beat is a dotted note, they have 6,9,12 as the upper number
  • compound duple time (6)= there are two beats in each measure
  • compound triple time (9)= there are three beats in each measure
  • compound quadtruple time (12)=there are four beats in each measure
  • In compound time, as in simple time, a whole rest is used to indicate an entire measure of silence for any time signature
  • Rests may be combined into dotted rests if they fall on the 1st part of the beat
  • Triplet=consists of a group of 3 notes that are played in the time of 2 notes of the same type
  • Duplet= 2 notes are played in the time of 3 notes of the same value, compound time
  • Quadruplet= 4 notes played in the time of 3 notes of the same value,compound time
  • Quintuplet= 5 notes played in the time of 3,4, or 6 notes of the same value, depending on time signature
  • Sextuplet= 6 notes played in the time of 4 notes of the same value
  • Septuplet= irregular grouping of 7 notes
  • To determine the value of irregular grouping look at the entire bar
  • Syncopation occurs when the pattern of the strong and weak beats in the measure is altered

Italian Terms

  • Non= not
  • Non troppo= not too much
  • Ottava, 8va= play an octave higher or lower
  • Piu=more
  • Piu mosso= more movement (quicker)
  • Poco=little
  • Poco a poco= little by little
  • Quasi= almost, as if
  • Sempre=always, continuously


  • Triad= three note chord
  • Major triad=consisting of the rt, +3, P5
  • Minor triad= consisting of rt, -3, P5
  • When describing triads always work back to root position
  • Never change the given note
  • Raise the 7th in a minor key in a dominany triad

Italian Terms

  • Senza=without
  • Rubato= a flexible tempo using slight variations of speed to enhance musical expression
  • Tenuto=held, sustained
  • Troppo=too much
  • Vivace=lively, brisk
  • Una corda= one string, depress the left (piano) pedal


  • Cadence= place of rest in music
  • Perfect cadence dominant triad-> tonic triad (V-I) is the most common
  1. Find the key and key signatures, use Roman numberals under the bass staff, write the roots of both triads in the bass clef
  2. Figure out the chords of the dominant, write in the roman numerals and name each cadence (perfect cadence)
  3. Place notes of I & V in bass, other notes get placed in treble
  4. Move to the chord of I-keep notes in common in the same voices
  5. Other notes move up 1 step to the notes of the chord of I
  6. Move remaining notes as smoothly as possible to the tonic chord
  7. The notes from the chord of V move up to the chord of I
  • In a minor ley the leading note is found in the dominant chord and must be raised. Perfect cadences in minor keys always have and accidental in the dominant chord
  • Plagal cadences= the subdominant chord moving to the tonic chord (IV-I)
  • Same process as Perfect Cadences however Plagals move down to the chord of I

Cadences in Chorale Style

  • Chorale style= triads are written in four parts : Soprano, alto, tenor, bass
  • The root of the chord is doubled
  • The space between tenor and soprano must not exceed one octave
  • space between bass and tenor can be up to 12 notes

Finding the Key of a Given Melody Without a Key Signature

  • If accidentals fall into the correct ordr, the melody will be in a major key
  • Collect the accidentals, put them in order as they would appear in a key signature(major key)
  • For minor keys...........
  • Flat Keys- the missing flat in the order of flats will be the raised 7th in the minor key
  • Sharp Keys the last shapr collected will be the raised 7th of the minor key
  • In a minor kjey of up to four sharps there is always a skip of two sharps from the last sharp of the key signature to the leading note
  • Double sharp is also a raised 7th
  • In a minor key the 6th note may also be raised, this will be the melodic form of a minor scale
  • Flats NEVER raise notes


  • Transposition= writing/playing a melody at a different pitch/key
  • Find the original key
  • Find the interval at which the new key will be written
  • Write the new key
  • If the given key has accidentals, then the new key will also have accidentals

Italian Terms

  • E,ed= and
  • fp, fortepiano= loud then suddenly soft
  • Grave= slow and solemn
  • Loco= returh to normal register
  • Ma=but
  • Meno=less
  • Meno mosso= less movement, slower
  • M.M= metronome marking
  • Molto= much, very

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