Wednesday, December 08, 2004

Theory Study Notes-Grade 2

C Clefs

  • C clefs= indicate where middle C is located on the staff
  • Today only the alto and tenor clefs are used
  • The alto clef shows that middle C is on the 3rd line of the staff
  • In the tenor clef middle C is on the fourth line of the staff

Chromatic Scales

  • Chromatic scale= a scale made up of semitones only
  • Melodic chromatic scale= raising the notes going up and lowering them coming down, use sharps ASAP in ascending form, use flats ASAP as soon as possible, does not use a key signature
  • When writing chromatics never use a letter name more than twice
  • Do not change the name of the tonic enharmonically
  • Harmonic chromatic scale= may be written with a key signature
  1. Write the tonic and dominant notes, written only once throughout the whole scale
  2. Write the other notes twice
  3. Add correct accidentals


  • Intervals can be written below a given note
  1. Count down the required number of notes
  2. Use the lower note as the key note/tonic, name the interval
  3. Adjust the bottom note to obtain the required interval
  4. Never change the given note. Always solve from the lowest note
  • A key that contains several intervals can be found by collecting all of the accidentals in order
  • An interval that is larger than an octave is a compound interval
  • You must bring these down to its simplest form
  • The quality (+,-,X,o) is the same as its simplest form
  • Compound intervals can also be inverted
  • Enharmonic change= changing the note without changing pitch

Italian Terms

  • Ad libitum= at will, at liberty
  • Con fuoco= with fire
  • Pesante= heavily
  • Ritenuto= suddently slower, held back
  • Scherzando=playfully
  • Sonore= sonorously
  • Strepitoso= noisily
  • Vivo= lively


  • Augemented triad= rt, +3, x5
  • Diminished triad= rt, -3, o5
  • Close position= notes as close together as possible
  • Open position= an octave, or spread out over one or two staves
  • Remember: the lowest note determines the inversion of the triad
  1. Determine the triad as + - o x
  2. Go to the chart
  3. Take the root of the triad and count DOWN required number of steps

French Terms

  • Lentement= slowly
  • Modere= at a moderate tempo
  • Vite= quickly fast
  • Leger= lightly
  • Mouvement= tempo; motion


  • I-V imperfect cadence
  1. Write the tonic and dominant notes in the bass
  2. In the treble write the 3 notes of the tonic chord in close position
  3. Connect the tonic chord to the dominant a smoothly as possible, keep the common tone in the same pitch
  • IV-V imperfect cadence
  1. Write the subdominant and dominant notes in the bass
  2. In the treble, write the 3 notes of the subdominant chord in close position
  3. There is NO common note so move the other voices in the opposite direction of the bass

Dominant Seventh Chord

  • Dominant 7th chord (V7)= four note chord that has the dominant triad and minor 7th
  • Same in both tonic major and minor keys
  • When solving the dominant 7th chord, rearrage the notes into close-root position

Italian Terms

  • Agitato= in an agitated manner
  • Arco= play with the bow after a pizzicato passage
  • Con grazia= with grace
  • Dolente= sorrowful
  • Grandioso= grandly
  • Martellato= strongly accented or hammered
  • Ped.= pedal
  • Pizzicato= pluck the string with the finger


  • Hybrid meters =combine compound and simple time
  • Hybrid duple time= 5 pulses/measure= 2 beats
  • Hybrid triple time= 7 pusles/measure= 3 beats
  • Hybrid quadruple time 10, 11, 9 pusles /measure =groups of 2 or 3


  1. Look at the given melody to find the key
  2. The interval to which the new melody will be transposed will be the new key
  3. Accidentals will be the same (lowered/raised) in the new key

Italian Terms

  • Allagando= in a broader style, slowing down
  • Attaca= proceed without a break
  • Comodo, Commodo= at a convenient pace
  • Con sordino= with mute
  • Largamente= broadly
  • L'istesso tempo= at the same speed
  • Mesto= sad, mournful
  • Morendo= dying away in time and tone
  • Primo= first, also the upper part of a duet

Transposition for Orchestral Instruments

  1. Original key of melody (not instrument)
  2. Interval is given
  3. New key figured out from tonic of old key

Short and Open Score

  • Short/Close score= everything is written on 2 staves
  • Old Vocal Score= written with 4 staves; soprano, alto, tenor, bass voices; alto and tenor clef used
  • Modern Vocal Score= 4 staves; soprano, alto, tenor, bass; tenor uses 8va sign
  • String Quartet Score= 4 staves; 2 violins, viola, cello; viola written in alto clef

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