Saturday, April 30, 2005

phantom of the opera movie party :)


Well I"m done my two week break. As you read previously on the blog, most of the 2nd part of 2 week break was spend at Steph Zupke's house. We really didn't do much except watch a whack load of movies including:
The Incredibles
Conspiracy Theory
Peter Pan
The Cat in the Hat
So ya we watched movies, sat on the couch pretty much all day, walked into town a couple of times, and did a puzzle. Yes, it was a very stressful week ;)

I think the best story from it was when it was Steph's birhtday and since she wanted to make her birthday memorable, she mentioned to her best friend Jen that she's never gotten a black eye before, so Jen gave her one. So ya, that was pretty funny. Sadly i wasn't able to witness this
event, but i did see Steph's black eye. She still has it and that was about a week ago.

So ya everyone is back at school again, which is awesome because i
missed everyone tons. I"m now in a new room with 3 new roommates:
Vanessa, from Wataskwin (sorry if i spelt that wrong), Alberta
Natasha, from Winnipeg, Manitoba
Jung Soo, Seoul, Korea
They're awesome!

Even though Nikki isn't in my room anymore we still had a mini dance party the other night. I took a video of it, I"ll show you sometime :) It's really funny because you can't hear the music and you just see us dancing around.

Um, i can't really remember alot right now. Maybe because my mind is all over the place right now thinking about what i need to put on the blog, who i have to e-mail today, time managment for assigments, cooking supper tomorrow for evening tea (supper), and watching Stacey and Ruth open the packages that they got in the mail. Anyway my point is, I'm sorry i can't remember all of my stories at the moment, but i will get pictures posted eventually on the blog. Again i apologize for making you wait for stories and pictures but it's hard to explain somethings
without a visual. I hope you all understand.

Today we got explained our theme for Breakthrough. Basically Breakthrough is like a vacation bible school where all of the youth groups from the surrounding area come out and have a good time here on campus. Our theme this year "N a r n i a", so it's based on the book "The Lion, The Witch, and the Wardrobe" by C.S. Lewis. We basically dress up as the characters that we are assigned, stay at a certain "station" and the kids will come around to the different stations for different activities. The people and their characters match up perfectly (i know this may not
mean much to you because you don't know these people the way that i do, but if you know the characters of the book, just know that these people fit them to a tea):
The White Witch= Angela
The Professor=Richard
Mr. Tumnus=Matt. A

Yes, that's right, I'm Mrs.Beaver.Go figure! Apparently when i wear my glasses i look like i could be Mrs. Beaver ;) From what i know, me, Mark, Min, and Dan are transforming a small canopy of trees into a beaver dam. That's mine and Mark's "station" for Breakthrough. From what i
also understand my costume consists of a brown skirt and brown long sleeved shirt and a beaver tail attached somehow. Oh and i get an apron too. My hair's going to be in a bun, I'll wear my glasses and my face is being painted brown. I"m SO excited!

AAAA!!! I just had one of the bst nights ever!! Mainly 'cause Erica borrowed POTO on DVD from the video store and some of us girls watched it. We loved it!! Oh baby ya! Plus we also watched all of the bonus scenes and promos for the 1980's Phantom of the Opera, it was horrible! If you ever get the chance to watch the extras on the DVD, definately watch them!You'll pee your pants laughing at the bad 80's filming, SO bad! But we had fun watchin it. So ya someone (or myself) needs to buy me that movie, on DVD, so that i can watch it and make fun of the 80's footage. But ya that's it for now.

Oh, if you guys want me to send you pictures and letters and postcards i NEED your mailing addresses. If you give me your address, there's pretty much a % chance I'll send you something in the mail. Okay bye!

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