Thursday, April 21, 2005

Star Wars

Hello Hello!! Yes i'm fully aware that i haven't updated in a couple of days. That's because our "road trip" kinda hit a snag.

Well we bought a car for the 2nd week of 2 week break........however we didn't make it past Huntly because the radiator was leaking and Ray tried his best to fix it but couldn't. So while he walked from place to place trying to find help for our car, the 4 of us girls stayed in the car on the side of the road and entertained ourselves with singing and chit-chat :) Seriously though, it was awesome! That was the coolest start to my first road trip with friends. We did eventually get help from Matt Finlayson and he helped us put the car in a local farmer's yard until we could get it fixed/towed back to Cambridge. so ya most of that day was spent on the side of the road. And ever since that night we've been staying at Steph Z's house because she's awesome and let us stay there. Last night there was 10 people in total staying in that tiny this house was smaller than my yellow house on the yard....Crazy, yet still awesomely fun :)

So right now we're just bumming around town, it's a 45 minute walk from Steph's house, and just catching up with e-mails and what not. Oh we went into town the other day and i ended up buyin 6 CD's....they were cheap! I ended up getting:
Lion King 1 & 2
Star Wars: A New Hope
80's Dance Party
Yes i know i got Nsync, it reminds me of when i used to like them back in the day :)

Oh just so you know, if you want me to send you postcard and letter from New Zealand, i NEED your mailing addresses okay? Cause i really want to send some of you cool postcards but i can't if i don't know where to send them. You know my e-mail....if you don't you should be reading the blog more often ;)

Well I guess that's it for now. Love you all & God bless!

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