Wednesday, September 20, 2006

Lego Church

Now I'm sure that the majority of us has a set of small building blocks and we stacked them in various ways to produce different various shapes and what not. Well i think these people got a little bit carried away in building a church. However i DO give them credit for making it THAT cool!!

LEGO CHURCH..........
A few quick facts:

How long to build it? It was about a year and a half of planning,building and photographing.

How many pieces of LEGO to build it? more than 75,000

How big is it? About 7 feet by 5 1/2 feet by 30 inches (2.2 m x 1.7 m x .76 m)

How many LEGO people does it seat? 1372

How many windows? 3976

It features a balcony, a Narthex, stairs to the balcony, restrooms, coat, rooms, several mosaics, a nave, a baptistery, an altar, a crucifix, a pulpit and an elaborate pipe organ.

Now i have a craving to play Lego Star Wars.....

1 comment:

asdfasdf said...

where is this lego church? its pretty funky