Saturday, September 23, 2006

This Is Why I Want Nerdy Children!!

This is a long video, but definately a must see/hear.

Super Mario Whole Suite on Piano

Too many things to say about this guy...
1. Where is the piano music for this? i need it!
2. Amy, i know you're brain is going to explode when you watch this

3. He's blindfolded at the beginning parts
4. I have a craving to play video games now


Anonymous said...

Here's a few places with piano scores for some of the themes:

Anonymous said...

My head..... is on the walls..... EARLENE THIS IS AMAAAZING!!!!!!!!! The fast part came on I saw a blur of Steven in my head... it was bad. And I'm starting to talk like you... the whole "and a half" thing. Gah. Yeah anyway. I really enjoyed it/am enjoying it.