Saturday, December 24, 2005

Getting Into the Christmas Spirit

Hello friends! As you all know I've been in New Zealand this past year, and as you well know, NZ's weather patterns are opposite ours. So when it's December it's like our summer weather here in Sask; hot but with more humidity than Sask. Anyway as you have read in my blog, i was involved in a choir down in NZ and we sang Christmas songs. now Christmas songs are awesome to sing and all, don't get me wrong, but it's just weird to sings Christmas songs while you're outside in a tank top and capri''s just weird. So the Christmas "spirit" hasn't really hit me until recently (today actually) when i decided to copy all my Christmas tunes to my Lappy and make a Christmas play list. Now that I'm listening to it, I think the "holiday spirit" has started to hit me. Is that a good thing? Well it's Christmas Eve and I have one piece of advice for you all:

If you find a jolly old guy in your house with a sackfull of stuff on Christmas Eve, ask to see some I.D., you can never be too careful :)

Thursday, December 22, 2005

And Visions of Spencer Danced Through My Head (?)

Whoah dawg!! I haven't blogged in ages! Sorry for the delay. Many things have been happening to me. Currently I"m listening to "Since you've been gone" and because of Spencer, that song will be forever known to me as Spencer's song. It's like the image of Spence dancing to it is burned onto my retinas and every time that song comes up i picture Spence. I guess you had to have been @ Capers this past semester to really get what i'm talking about.

As for how i feel about being home, well that' s a whole other topic of discussion.Yes, it's true I'm back in Canadia....and yes you did see and "i" there. I've been with really awesome Americans this past year and as much as i hated hearing "Canadia" in New Zealand, it kinda stuck and it makes people here do a double take when you say it. Um, my 1st night was spent in S'toon, which really wasn't my 1st choice because i just wanted to be on the farm but my plane got in @ like 2:00am from Calgary so i totally understand dad not wanting to drive that early in the morning. oh and i was kinda saddened that dad wasn't the 1st person i got to hug when i got home, it was mom. Mainly i hugged her first because she was the first one up in the crowd taking pictures of me getting of the plane. But don't worry, Dad did get his hug :)

This past week or so has been just unpacking my NZ things and the other day me and dad headed to S'toon and we took out some of my things from my house there and hauled them to the farm. And now I"m organizing all my NZ stuff, S'toon stuff, and farm stuff and sorting through it and chucking the stuff I don' need anymore. I think i have too much stuff!!

Oh and I also got a laptop (which I'm using @ the moment). I got it pretty much the day after i got back. Mom and dad both knew that i needed a laptop so they got me this one for Christmas. I don't think i need anything else. I mean like i said before, i think i have too much stuff. But ther's one issue that I have with my laptop....he doesn't have a name. Any suggestions? for the past few days I've just been pulling a Strong Bad and calling it "Lappy" but someone i don' think that that name does it justice. Why a "he"? Maybe it's beacuse i like to push guys's buttons, well that's if i know how. But like a said before...any suggestions for a name?

I was just thinking about my 2 best friends that i met my last semester. The stupid thing is that both of them live on opposing sides of the world as me; one's from Europe and the other's from Australia. I miss them the most out of everyone. Maybe it's cause both of them know about my frustrations from everything from my ex-boyfriend to choir to assignments to just me being emotional. Man i miss them :( I can't wait to see them again..well that's if i go back to New Zealand.

yes you read that right "if i go back to New Zealand". Now i'm referring to my internship. Three days before i was scheduled to leave i had a meeting with my pastor down there. The jist of the meeting was that the couple that i'm would be working with isn't sure when/if they need me anymore. So from my end all i can say is that I don't know if/when i'm going back to New Zealand, which is royally frustrating on my end becaus i have to get student visas, tickets, possibly move all my stuff out of S'toon, plus there's other various things that have to be done if i leave Canada for another extended period of time. I really want the internship, i mean i loved being away from home, i miss my kids down there, plus a couple of my closest friends will still be in New Zealand (well that's depending on when i go down there again myself). So yes you all can definately pray about this thing and that God will let me know where i need to be and when i need to be in that particular place.

If any Capernwray people from this past semester (Spring 2005) are reading this, I'm sorry i won't be able to e-mail you until i get my Mahara (school address book, for all you non-Capers readers), so if you want to keep in contact until them please please e-mail me @ If you do e-mail me here, don't be surprised if it takes me about a week to write you back because I've got some catching up to do on other e-mails and i usually go in order or when i got the e-mail. but yes, please e-mail me if you're a Capers student because i miss you all heaps!! Don't question it, it's science!

Um, i guess that's all i have to say for now. Oh! And you're feeling really creative not only can ou conjure up a name for my Lappy, but you can also find a name suitable to a teal colored Nalgene bottle, i figure...why not! :) Alright I'm out like a fat kid in dodgeball! God bless!

Sunday, December 11, 2005

A Baby's Hug

We were the only family with children in the restaurant. I sat Erik in
a high chair and noticed everyone was quietly sitting and talking.
Suddenly, Erik squealed with glee and said, "Hi." He pounded his fat baby
hands on the high chair tray. His eyes were crinkled in laughter and
his mouth was bared in a toothless grin, as he wriggled and giggled with

I looked around and saw the source of his merriment. It was a man
whose pants were baggy with a zipper at half-mast and his toes poked out of
would-be shoes. His shirt was dirty and his hair was uncombed and
unwashed. His whiskers were too short to be called a beard and his
nose was so varicose it looked like a road map.

We were too far from him to smell, but I was sure he smelled. His
hands waved and flapped on loose wrists. "Hi there, baby; hi there, big
boy. I see ya, buster," the man said to Erik. My husband and I exchanged looks,
"What do we do?" Erik continued to laugh and answer, "Hi." Everyone
in the restaurant noticed and looked at us and then at the man. The
old geezer was creating a nuisance with my beautiful baby.

Our meal came and the man began shouting from across the room, "Do
ya patty cake? Do you know peek-a-boo? Hey, look, he knows

Nobody thought the old man was cute. He was obviously drunk. My
husband and I were embarrassed. We ate in silence; all except for Erik, who
was running through his repertoire for the admiring skid-row bum, who in
turn, reciprocated with his cute comments.

We finally got through the meal and headed for the door. My husband
went to pay the check and told me to meet him in the parking lot. The old man
sat poised between me and the door. "Lord, just let me out of here before he
speaks to me or Erik," I prayed. As I drew closer to the man, I turned my back
trying to sidestep him and avoid any air he might be breathing. As I did, Erik leaned
over my arm, reaching with both arms in a baby's "pick-me-up" position. Before I
could stop him, Erik had propelled himself from my arms to the man.

Suddenly a very old smelly man and a very young baby consummated their
love and kinship. Erik, in an act of total trust, love, and submission laid his
tiny head upon theman's ragged shoulder. The man's eyes closed, and I saw tears hover
beneath his lashes.

His aged hands full of grime, pain, and hard labor, cradled my baby's
bottom and stroked his back. No two beings have ever loved so deeply for so short
a time. I stood awestruck. The old man rocked and cradled Erik in his arms and
his eyes opened and set squarely on mine. He said in a firm commanding voice,
"You take care of this baby."

Somehow I managed, "I will," from a throat that contained a stone.

He pried Erik from his chest, lovingly and longingly, as though he
were in pain. I received my baby, and the man said, "God bless you, ma'am, you've
given me my Christmas gift."

I said nothing more than a muttered thanks.

With Erik in my arms, I ran for the car. My husband was wondering why
I was crying and holding Erik so tightly, and why I was saying, "My God, my
God, forgive me." I had just witnessed Christ's love shown through the innocence
of a tiny child who saw no sin, who made no judgment; a child who saw a soul, and a
mother who saw a suit of clothes. I was a Christian who was blind, holding a
child who was not.

I felt it was God asking, "Are you willing to share your son for a
moment?" when He shared His for all eternity. The ragged old man, unwittingly, had
reminded me, "To enter the Kingdom of God, we must become as little children."
Sometimes, it takes a child to remind us of what is really important.

We must always remember who we are, where we came from and, most
importantly, how we feel about others. The clothes on your back or the car that you
drive or the house that you live in does not define you at all; it is how you treat
your fellow man that identifies who you are.

Saturday, December 10, 2005

One Week and Counting..... And yet another quiz

Dec. 8

so many of you know that I'm coming home in like a week. Carolyn
e-mailed me and said "you likely have mixed feelings about leaving New
Zealand." well.....i DO NOT think words can express how i feel about leaving
New Zealand. Here's an example of how i feel:
stressed out
not collected
Okay i think that should give you a jist of how i feel!!

Oh and for those of you who don't know yet, I'm coming back to New
Zealand in April. Why you ask? well here's the deal I GOT THE INTERNSHIP @
BRIDGES!!! They said that they would like me to be an intern there. The
only downside is that they won't have and internship program ready for
me in January/Febuary.....they'll have it ready in April. Meaning
they'll need me to come back in April. So....that' means I"ll be coming
back in Dec.15 and hopefully coming back to New Zealand in April....maybe
the 13th (?) somewhere in there. so yes, if you want me to visit
you...let me know when between Jan-April. Yes I'll be home the last 2 weeks
in December, but just give me time to get myself settled on the farm
before i do some serious visiting, I'm sure you all understand :)

alright, well that's the haps down here so far. HOpefully I"ll update
more later on :)

Yet another Quiz regarding Earlene Ulrich and her thoughts at moment of
quiz commencement...
1.DO YOU SNORE? apparently i do, but just a little bit. I think me and
my roomies this term were noisy/restless sleepers
2. ARE YOU A LOVER OR A FIGHTER? I think i more or less love to fight,
does that count?
3. WHAT'S YOUR WORST FEAR? to be alone....
4. AS A KID, WERE YOU A LEGO MANIAC? not really, i think i was more
into Barbies...
5. WHAT DO YOU THINK OF "REALITY" TV? it kind of gets boring when you
know who's going to win and who's going to get kicked off next
6. DO YOU CHEW ON YOUR STRAWS? depending on how bored i am
7. WERE YOU A CUTE BABY? of course i was ;)
8. IS THE SINGLE LIFE FOR YOU? Well I"m realizing now more and more
that God's god the right guy out there for me. I just have to be patient
with it, which can suck sometimes. In the mean time I think I need to
just figure myself out first. So yes, for now, the single life is for me
9. WHAT COLOR IS YOUR KEYBOARD? on the computer I'm currently on, it's
black with whit letters
10. DO YOU SING IN THE SHOWER? I used to. But i don't now because i
don't want to scare my roomies
11. HAVE YOU EVER BUNGEE JUMPED? was going to, but i didn't have
enough money because i spend TOO much in Mt.Cook
12. ANY SECRET TALENTS? Playin sax, however i couldn't play it last
night @ Carols by Candlelight because something went wrong with it. Still
don't know. BUt that's not really a "secret" talent. Now if i told you
what my "secret" talent is, then it wouldn't be secret now would it?
13. WHAT'S YOUR IDEAL VACATION SPOT? New Zealand!!!! Well maybe not
vacation, maybe just to somewhat long periods of time (like
maybe almost 2 years)
14. IS JAY LENO FUNNY? can't say I've really watched his show enough
to tell yo uthat
15. CAN YOU SWIM? yes, but i can't dive
17. DO YOU GIVE A DAMN ABOUT THE OZONE? maybe. BUt then again I've
lived in New Zealand and there's no ozone here....i'm pretty much serious
POP? 153.739
19. CAN YOU SING THE ALPHABET BACKWARDS? yes if i really think about
guess you have more control on the sharpness of it all
23. WHAT'S YOUR STAND ON HUNTING? um, i like to eat wild meat, on
occasion. I think that if there's enough of a species, then you can kill
some of them off.
24. IS MARRIAGE IN YOUR FUTURE? Man, i hope so. but like i said
before, God's got it all figured out
25. DO YOU LIKE YOUR HANDWRITING? yes but not if i do it fast, then it
looks like boy writing
26. WHAT ARE YOU ALLERGIC TO? penicillin
yesterday, because it was her birthday :)
28. IS ELVIS STILL ALIVE? no, just the impersonators are alive
29. DO YOU CRY AT WEDDINGS? depending on how well i know the couple
30. HOW DO YOU LIKE YOUR EGGS? sunny side up and not too runny
31. ARE BLONDES DUMB? oh they can, and I can have fun with that :)
32. WHERE DOES THE OTHER SOCK END UP? probably behind your bed
33. WHAT TIME IS IT? 9:08 am New Zealand time
35. IS MCDONALD'S DISGUSTING? i like it, but then again i eat pretty
much everything
36. WHEN WAS THE LAST TIME YOU WERE IN A CAR? Friday when a bunch of
us went into Cambridge to do stuff. Man i'm going to miss
Bingo.....Gerken BETTER take care of him
37. DO YOU PREFER BATHS OR SHOWERS? showers are easiest. I don'tthink
I've had a decent bath in over a year
38. IS SANTA CLAUS REAL? if you rearrange the letters of Santa, you
get Satan. How's that for logic? No i don't believe that he's real
39. DO YOU LIKE TO HAVE YOUR NECK KISSED? oh dear. that hasn't
happened in ages. it's nice, but i don't want to get involved in that kind of
thing unless I"m with the guy that really cares about me and who really
does love me
41. WHAT ARE YOU ADDICTED TO? VeggieTales, HomestarRunner
43. CAN YOU CRACK YOUR NECK? I"m scared to
46. IS DRUG FREE THE WAY TO BE? of course!
48. WHAT COLOR ARE YOUR EYES? dark brown, almost black
50. DO YOU LIKE YOUR LIFE? yes, at times i can
51. WHO'S BETTER?: Christ
<>52. ARE YOU PSYCHIC?: no
53. HAVE YOU READ "CATCHER IN THE RYE"? no but i heard it sounds good
54. DO YOU PLAY ANY INSTRUMENTS? Piano, a sax that didn't work last
night (still choked about that), and "Mary Had a Little Lamb" on trumpet
55. Have You EVER STOLEN MONEY? if i did, I'm sure i told the person i
was "stealing" so i guess that's not really stealing if you tell the
56. Can you snowboard? i wish!
57. DO YOU LIKE CAMPING? i can, depending on who i"m with
58. DO U SNORT WHEN U LAUGH? yes and that makes others laugh harder
which in turn makes me laugh harder
60. ARE DOGS A MAN'S BEST FRIEND? no. All you need is Christ. Yes that
sounds like the "sunday school" answer but it's true. Christ is all
that you need.
61. YOU BELIEVE IN DIVORCE? no. it's against the Bible. If people
would just figure out their place in their relationship to Christ, then
they wouldn't have these sorts of problems
62. CAN YOU DO THE MOONWALK? yes i can
63. DO YOU MAKE A LOT OF MISTAKES? yes, and since I"m a Feeler i feel
terrible afterward
64. IS IT COLD OUTSIDE TODAY? just a little chilly
65. WHAT WAS THE LAST THING YOU ATE? a piece of the large chocolate
bar that Daryl gave us as a choir
66. DO YOU WEAR NAIL POLISH? i used to change my nail polish every
week. But now i only have 3 bottles with me. Maybe when i get home I'll
re-paint them
67. HAVE YOU EVER BEEN KISSED? yes, but that was over a year ago
68. WHAT'S THE MOST CREEPY TV COMMERCIAl? NZ commericals are different
than Canadian ones. That's all I'll say, just different
69. DO YOU SHOP AT AMERICAN EAGLE? i would if i could (too expensive)
but i can't so i won't
70. FAVORITE SONG AT THE MOMENT? He Came (written by our choir
director Daryl!!), Golddigger by Kenya West

Thursday, December 08, 2005

Leaving in T-6 days (And very sadly Counting)

yes you read that correctly, I'll be leaving NZ in like 6 days. ya, totally sucks!! But I'll be coming back in April for my internship. Some of you don't know this yet, but i did get the youth internship for my church down here (Praise God!). The only downfall is that I can't start until April because the couple that i"m working with still needs to figure out a program for me (they're new at this too).

So basically what i'm trying to say is that if you want me to visit you within the next 3 months, you need to let me know where you're going to be and when.

Um, mind's been all over the place with getting stuff arranged for when i leave (mainly my car down here, which I'm hoping to still have when i get back). Plus on top of that Carols by Candlelight is tonight. I think my biggest fear about that is my sax squeeking on a quiet song like "AWay in a Manger". ya, that won't be too good. Um, plus i have to practice "Stille Nacht" with the German girls, finish my laundry, do a sound check with the whole choir, most of this requires standing in the hot sun, which means I'll get a nice dark tan and I'll come home nice and brown and everyone else will be pasty white (Mwahahaha!) Just kidding, but seriously! Well that's all i got to say for now. I hope to see most you guys soon. Let me know when you'll be around :) Love you all & God bless!!

Wednesday, December 07, 2005

Possum Pinata, Carols by Candlelight Practice, Driving lessons & Other News

Nov 28

Hey!! sorry i wasn't able to update sooner. Been crazy as busy down

The weekend after the boys put on a fabulous masquerade ball, us girls
put on a Lumberjack Night for them. Me and Steph spend all of Saturday
morning making a giant possum pinata. I'll have to show you sometime.
But the boys had fun because some of the other girls made paintball
waterballoons for the boys to play with after we had our meal (which was
steak, ribs, potatoes, and 3 different kinds of pie!!). so that was the
guy's night for this semester.

Um, other than and avoiding my Trinity paper I've been really busy
with preparation for Carols by Candlelight. That's like our big Christmas
event that we get the Homestead all decorated for, and we sing outside
and people come out and hear the message of Christmas. Yes you read
that right, sing outside...remember I"m in New's "summer"
here. So ya I've been busy learning my alto singing part (apparently I DO
sing!) and plus I've been involved in the band that we put together
(now why on earth would i skip out on an opportunity to play my sax!). The
band consists of:
-2 guitars
-bass guitar
-2 African style hand drums
-drum kit
-tenor recorder
so ya, it's very different from the normal band that I'm used to back
home, but at least it gets me playing with other people. Plus I don't
have to play bass notes which is what I usually end up doing in worhip
practice. Whoo-Hooo!!! So now I had to transpose the piano alto line
into my sax and it sounds really cool when I play alto and the recorder is
playing melody. However i think sometimes i end up drowning her out
because a sax is much louder than a recorder. Ok for those of you who
don't understand what I just said, that's ok. I"ll forgive you this time :)
And I've been playing "Silent Night" for the German girl trio that's
happening for Carols too. I'm thinking by the time I go home I'll be
able to sing "Stille Nacht, Heleige Nacht" fluently (well @ least the 1st
verse). So that will be pretty cool.

Oh and I've also been learning how to drive my car down here. It's a
VERY long story (i'll have to tell you sometime) but I co-bought the
thing in like April and now I'm finally getting the chance to drive it
(like a said, it's a long story). I dont' feel comfortable driving stick
on the left side of the road just yet, but I've been very glad to have a
patient and gracious teacher :). So hopefully if i stay here that will
give me a chance to use the car i bought in April.

Which leads me to my next point of internship. At the
moment I still don't really know what's going on and i fly away to Canada
in 2 weeks and 3, that sucks. I mean not that
going home sucks, but leaving here sucks. anyway I still dont' know whether
or not it's a for sure that the church wants me or not. All I've heard
is that it looks "promising" whatever that means. I'm the kind of
person that wants a for sure answer ASAP so i can start planning. Hey, do
you guys out there in "online-land" have any sweet ideas for a youth
group event or a bible study "theme" that i could work from? Cause I'd like
to get as many different ideas as i can to make youth group as
interesting as possible :)

Alrighty i"m out like a fat kid in dodgeball......bye!