Saturday, August 06, 2005


Sat. Aug 6.

A couple of quick "riddles" from our chef Dean (or recently known as
"Osama Bin Chef"):

If you don't eat your dinner have cant have any pudding. How can you
have any pudding if you don't eat your dinner.

If you want to get ahead, get a hat. If you want to get a hat get a
head ?

Well as for what I've been up to lately..the past week I was busy with
working on my Family Bible study (Deut. 29:29) it's a really sweet
verse ;) Somehow I ended up having 10 pages written out, like of full info,
and then somehow i compressed all that into 1/2 and hour when i
presented it. Totally a God thing :)

At the moment there's sort of preparation for a dance party...1st one
of this semester. I'm stoked. Well kinda because I've been doing nothing
all day (except read) so it's nice to have something to do. I could
have been working on my Returning Student bible study however no one
really knows what we're supposed to be doing for that. I've been trying to
avoid it all day today and I think I've done a fairly good job of it.

I also called Amy on the phone today. That was fun. I think i totally
surprised her, which was the plan. Hehehe! She also told me that she
send a package for me last week which means it should get here in the next
2 weeks or so. Ya fo packagedness!

At the moment I'm reading "Chronicles of Narnia". At the moment I'm
reading "The Silver Chair". Here's the books that I've read since 2 week

-Sidetracked in the Wilderness
-The Odyssey
-The Horse and His Boy
-Prince Caspian
-Voyage of the Dawn Treader (probably my favorite so far in the Narnia
-Zechariah (as in the 2 biblical books...minor prophets)

Ya i know that's alot of books, however the Narnia ones are fairly
short and they are really hard to put down once you get started. Oh,
they're SO good! I highly recommend them :)

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