Thursday, March 16, 2006

I Think I'm Growing Up

It's actually not as bad i thought. I mean the journey to "adulthood" hasn't been easy (I"m still working on it). Ask me sometime, and i can tell you, and you may never want to stop learning.

I've seen drastic changes in my friends. Some changes good...others, not so good. Of course i can say nothing to change them, they have to learn for themselves as i did. And if i had an internal mirror I could show you where I've changed

I've realized now that emotions are stupid little yappy dogs that you need to yank the leash on and yell "Shut up!" They lie. And if you let them control you they can take you to places that you never thought imaginable, and that's in the worst sense possible.

I've learnt that Truth doesn't fail. It's Truth and you can't change it, it may only change in your mind, but that's because you're emotions are barking at you. Control those montrous creatures! Truth doesn't change, it's been the same since the beginning of time and if God would have wanted it to change, He would have changed it, but He hasn't changed and you can't mess with it.

As for "yes"'s got me into alot of trouble. And my "no"'s kept me safe. Recently I said a big "no". It was a good thing, even though i keep apologizing for it. I KNOW it was a good thing. I've learnt that my "yes"'s should be based on thoughtful prayer, wise advice, and based on my experience in certain situations. Patience is on my side in this. Decisions in love should never be based on yippy little emotions that bark so loudly that i can't even breathe. Why can't they be nice quiet fish!!!!

Mistakes are made to be learnt from. But dont' go purposefully doing stupid things, cause if you do you will be forever paying for it. Your mistakes help shape who you are, and you can't change that. Without your mistakes you wouldn't be you.

No, I'm not all grown up yet...are you kidding?!
I will always be the 11 year old who fell in love with VeggieTales and hasn't given up since.
I'll still be the 12 year old who giggles at the thought of NSYNC.
I'll still be the loud 14 year old that everyone wants to shup up but then they'd be bored with the silence.
I"ll still be the 16 year old who can blast unpopular music from her car.
I'm still the 18 year old that can eat eel and pigeon and still survive.

I'm still me...but better.

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