Saturday, March 18, 2006

The Late News (3:20 am Type Late)

Oh blog! how you comfort me late at night when my dreams can't. You know how sometimes you can lie on your bed and "nap" before actually getting ready for bed, and when you actually are ready for bed you can' sleep? Does anyone know what i'm talking about? After this update i might go and read for a bit if this blog doesn't remedy my temporary insomnia.

And why is "Pump It" playing now? Silly random function on Media Player. This was supposed to be my wake up song. meh, i guess i can reset it when i'm done.

So i was a model today. No nothing fancy with a catwalk and paparazzi hounding me down and capturing my ever move. No this was for a Ladies Retreat at my church. I basically got to wear my friend's mom's Value Village fashions. I feel inspired to shop there more often. Plus i got to enjoy my church's "potluck" type meal. Man those are good. I wish i could cook... plus i got to spend a little bit of time conversing with women. Godly women, that is. Godly women who i look up to and want to be like.

Oh and something exciting happened just before my modelling career started. So when i got into church i immediately saw this year's brochure's for Stoney Lake Bible Camp which is where i used to go as a camper and where i used to work too. So i was scanning the various pictures trying to recognize people i knew. Then i see this picture of a group of people by the dishwasher we have. I recognized my kitchen help girls and one of my chore boys...then i saw me! I was on the brochure! I feel honored! Seriously! Whenever i see someone that i know on the brochure i'm happy for them. I remember that one year my friend Ben was on the brochure and i was so stoked for him...and now it's my turn to be stoked...but for me!! yay!! I feel like a celebrity, well as much of a celebrity as you can get in the Stoney Lake Bible Camp circle. Usually pictures from the previous year on the brochure, so you would have expected pics from 2005 on the brochure and since i was still in NZ i obviously wasn't at camp last year. I'm sure this luxury of being on the brochure will fade within a week or so. But still...I don't see pictures of YOU on the brochure! So i win :) Ironically I didn't even apply to Stoney for this summer.

Well I"m still not sleepy yet, maybe "Pride and Prejustice" will help me sleep. I remember watching the old school movie @ school on our Girl's Night Out and me and Elise kept making comments on Mr.Darcy. I love that man. I want a Mr.Darcy *sigh*. He's just one of those guys that you hate at first cause he seems stuck up but in essence he's shy and doesn't know what to do about it. Then he frustrates you cause he's trying to do the right thing and at the moment you dont' get what he's doing and you hate him for it. But once he explains things it all make sense, you love him because you realize that he's got your best interests at heart and he wants to take care of you and make sure you're ok. *sigh*

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