Friday, March 31, 2006

Youth Group Scavenger Hunt

Hello Hello! So i pretty much just got back from Youth Group which was really good. Our "event" of the evening was a scavenget hunt of random objects found in the Bible. so we basically had to find items such as:
Samson's hair
a nail from the cross
Mose's rod
brick from the pyramids
Well, I think you get my drift here. So in my group I had me, Amy, Carmen and Alisha. You can just imagine the chaos that insued. I even leaped into the snow a couple of time to fetch our items. So here's what we collected... (now more of these items are "attempts" to replicate the Biblical object.

Bunch of branches-fishing net. My explaination for it was that it was it was the "poor man's net" cause the guy couldn't afford rope. See the fish get caught in the holes and then you take the branches out of the water and viola! You have a fishing net

Stick-Moses's rod. I captured this one and in the attempted had to get through some snow so my shoes got wet and Alisha tried to push me in the snow but me being bigger than her i really didn't move much

Apple-fruit from the Garden of Eden. I don't think this need any explaination. Though Biblicall speaking, it doens't say "apple" it says "fruit"

"Y" stick with elastic band-David's slingshot. Very make shift but it works in this case.

Stone-something used during the stoning of Stephen. Oh the good old fashioned type of stoning. I think that's pretty much self explanitory.

Empty cup-something used at the Last Supper. yes i'm aware that styrofoam wasn't invented 2000 years ago, but it represented the cup that Jesus thanked at the last supper.

Cup with water in it-water from Noah's flood. Ok so technically it's from a puddle near our old church. And it's got some mud in it. If you think about it, there was heaps of mud in the water from Noah's flood...think about it

Two jars and a gold lid-gold, franincense, and myrrh. For this i got the idea of getting old glass containers from the town recycling bin and passing them off as the perfume/spice bottles. I found one that said "Extra Virgin Olive Oil" and me thinking that was pretty funny suggested that maybe the wisemen knew that Mary was gonna be a virgin when she gave birth so that's why they gave her a container that said "Extra Virgin". Ok so i thought it was pretty funny. While i was looking through the recycling container and Amy commented on how we were "dumpster diving" in Spalding, which if you think about it, sounds pretty sad.

Cup with mud and grass in it-bricks from Egypt. So i figured that back in the day the Isrealites used mud and straw to build the bricks for the pyramids (or whatever they built for the Egyptians), so we mixed up some mud and grass to represent that. When Nathan asked what the mud was I explained that it was our "organic brick"

Bread-manna from Heaven. We figured that bread was the closest thing to manna. The bread and apple was provided by Edna Johnson. When Brenden saw that we had an apple from his grandparent's place he told Amy "Give me back my grandpa's apple!"

Hair brushed out of my head-Samson's hair (not shown)

Now for some unknown reason Taylor's group put a dolls head on their "Moses's rod". Amy said that it's just like Lord of the Flies and said "Yes just like Lord of the Fries" even though i meant to say "Flies". So we both started laughing at and I dubbed Taylor Lord of the Fries. He seemed to like that. Dude, i totally love Taylor's shirt!

Before we presented our "scavenger hunt" to everyone, we had to find the Biblical verse to prove that it was the right item. So this is Kimberly helping out Jessamy, Nadine, and Elise.

So this is Nathan, Amy and me. I think it's a cool pic of Nathan and Amy and it looks like i'm pondering painful constipation. And if you look closely you can see Taylor's "Lord of the Fries" staff.

This is a close up of Taylor's "Lord of the Fries" staff. Creep isn't it?

Me and Carmen. Not really the best picture of either of us, but i suppose this will do for now. After our little devo for the night, we also played "4 on a couch" but by 10:00 everyone was kinda getting annoyed, but it was still fun, even though no one really won the game

Wow that took me a while to post. But then again I'm also talking on MSN so that might explain it too.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

ahaha, when I first typed my name my fingers were on the wrong keys and I put "ant". Anyway, that was the coolest youth thing since... uh... well... it was fun. THat's what I'm tryin to say. "GIMME BACK MY GRANDMAS APPLE!!!!!" was by far the funniest moment... I need to sleep. NIghty night! Love ya!