Tuesday, April 12, 2005

The Antique House

So as I've mentioned before me and my parents are visiting some old family friends up here near Whangerai. Their names are Chris and Jock Finlayson. Jock's dad lives within the yard and just now we had a tour of Les's house (Jock's dad). Les's house is pretty much filled to the top with antiques...and i mean almost literally!!

Definately my favorite thing was the player paino. You could sit down in front of it, pedal as hard as you could on the pedals, and the paper would move and music would start playing from the piano. Me and dad caught on to it straight away (the Kiwi phrase for "right away") however we pretty much had to give mom lessons cause she didn't know what she was doing. I was just plunking away on the thing when Chris mentioned that Les has Phantom of the Opera sheets for the piano.............say what now?!!! PHANTOM OF THE OPERA!! When i heard that i almost fell of the bench! Unfortunely she couldn't find it, but i did bring the POTO notes that i found from school so maybe I'll be able to play a bit of it on 2 week break after all!

Me Uncle Alvin was here 25 odd years ago and he left some of his boots here on the farm because they had holes in them. Well those are now "antique" and at Les's house now and are used as flower pots. I've got pictures of those, the player piano, mini Coke bottles, old school telephones, a whiskey bottle that's almost as high as my knee (I"m NOT kidding!) and other cool stuff that's in that house.

When we got back to the house, Chris showed us some old photos of when Jock came to Canada and visited my grandma Rose. It's kinda cool seeing your old house in old photos, like looking back in time. So that was col.

Alrighty time for bed. God bless! :)

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