Monday, April 11, 2005


Man i haven't actually blogged myself in SO SO long! I think since Feb. sometime. Man this feels good! Thanx again Amy for updating it for me!! I think since I've been so behind with catching up, I"m just going to give you the dates that i did stuff on and give you quick "highlights" of each day. Trust me, when i get home (whenever that'll be) I'll put pictures in there in chronological order so that you can fully understand what i mean. But now I guess you'll have to be okay with just the "highlights". Hope that's cool with all of you :)

Sat. Apr.2
-So for Nikki's b-day, me her and Laura Blackstone had a little dress up party and fashion show around campus with some crazy dress up clothes from the resource room
-that afternoon, Laura taught us, plus Graham and Ray, how to do some Pilates moves. Graham's favorite was when you lay on your back, lift you legs all the way straight up, lower you legs and "pump" with you arms
-that night the student cooks got everyone dressed up for supper, because they could and because it's always fun to dress up. We even got mac & cheese with chicken bits in it...SO good!!
-later that night almost all of girls got together and had a birthday party for Nikki
-Jana even gave her a coconut bra which Nikki wore over her clothes so "show it off"

-Dave said something that really hit me when he presented his testimony, it was "Why do you look for the living among the dead?" Luke 24:5 This was what the angel said because Christ rose from the dead and the women at the tomb were looking for Him. That stood in my mind because us as humans try to find a "god" in so many things here on earth be it money, possessions, people etc. but all of those things eventually fade away or die. But if we look to God in heaven, He never dies and never ever fades away from us. He's with us always.

Mon. Apr.4
-during morning tea Hayden had a toy tractor and i casually mentioned that the tractor reminded me of life on the farm, somehow that got Hayden analysizing me and my relationship with my father. It was like a free therapy session, and i think we made some progress :)
-since it was Angela's b-day and she LOVES dance parties, we threw her one in the lecture hall, it was tons of fun :)

-all of girls from school had a surprise birthday party for Marsha and her baby. I've got tons of pictures that i want to show you, they explain alot of what happened at the party ;)

-this was the day that my parents were planning to visit me at school. Even though i just got used to the fact that they're half a world away from me, i still missed them and was really anxious to see them again
-many friends here at school seemed quite amazed that my parents are such opposites, i mean i still dont' get it!
-they didn't stay the whole day because they wanted to check out Cambridge and head back to Hamilton, where they stayed for the next couple of days
-that night Simon somehow got a hold of a scale and i asked him if i could see how much i weighed. Now before i left home i was about 135 lbs. so i figured that now since I've eaten SO much chocolate and sweets down here in NZ, I'd be about 140lbs. or something like that. However when i stepped on the scale, the thing said that was about 134 lbs.!! How's that possible! I couldn't have lost weight given all the food I've eaten! So ya i don't really know what to think about that. : S

-that day i presented my Family Bible study and convienently my parents were able to attend
-my bible study was based on Matt.14:25-33, where Jesus and Peter walk on water.
-my main theme was : When you focus your attention on Christ you can do anything and everything seems to come together (as in Peter walked on the water), however when you focus on your circumstances you will sink (just like Peter did).
- I think someone mentioned this in their testimony that day because i wrote it down in my day planner : God is glorified is us, when we are satisfied in Him

-all of us students had to leave campus entirely because it was the start of our 2 week break
-that was the last time i could ever call the room C3 mine because when we get back from 2 week break we switch rooms and roommates..........I'll miss you Amy, Stacey and Nikki!!
-don't worry I've got pictures and videos of people saying goodbye and packing they're stuff to go

-me and my parents headed to see the Waitomo Glowworm Caves
-the caves were absolutely amazing to see, i would have taken tons of pictures but we weren't allowed to on the tour, so I'm thinking I'll scan some postcards and post those pictures when i get home
-one part of the cave was called the "Cathedrel" because it had a dome shaped roof and there was no echo in it. Our tour giuded suggested that one of us sing to demonstrate, no one did. I was thisclose to bursting out Phantom of the Opera, but i didn't because i didn't want to embarrass myself. Now i"m wishing i did do it!
-we went on a very short boat ride and when we looked above us we could see tiny little green lights that looked like tiny glow in the dark stars, those were the actual glow worms!
-after the seeing the glow worms, my parents and i head off to the Otorohanga Kiwi House
-there you could see an actual kiwi bird, they're endangered species here in NZ so house like this protect them
-It was definately cool to see a real kiwi bird!!
-they also had ducks, falcons and pukekos there too

Okay that should be it for last week. Hopefully I"ll be able to start this week tomorrow. God bless!

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