Friday, July 15, 2005

Free Movie Poster!

hello! I went into town again today...i guess that's maybe a good thing because somehow i broke into a sweat on my way back to Irene's place. Sweating is a good thing, right? does that mean I'm losing weight? If so, Yippy!!

but ya i didn't do much in town. I was able to catch up a bit with Bryony, one of the Adventure Bible School staff members so that was good. I was also able to get a couple of cards that I needed to send to people. so that was good.

Oh! the coolest thing happened today! so occasionally I'll buy a teen magazine because I like cutting things out and making a collage of them on my notebooks for school. So today i picked up a Girlfriend magazine (NZ's answer to American magazines like Teen and Seventeen) and I was skimming it seeing if there was anything worthy of being on my notebook when i noticed that there was a free poster. Curious i started to open it, and i was half expecting to find a picture of a "Hollywood hunk" or something like that. Then I saw a polar bear in the corner and I knew instantly what it was. It was a movie poster for a movie that's coming up in December....THE CHRONICLES OF NARNIA: THE LION, THE WITCH, AND THE WARDROBE!! yay for free movie poster of the movie based on not only a great book series, but the base of last semester's Breakthrough!! Hooray! So ya i"m pretty stoked about that. Free movie poster (of course i got the magazine...mainly because of the poster)! I can't wait to see that movie. Mainly because we did our Breakthrough on it and because I was Mrs. Beaver.

But ya I guess that's about it. I get to head out to campus in a the next couple hours! Yes! I'm SO pumped for next semester. Why? i mean alot of you are probably wondering "She's excited for school? Is she crazy? What a nerd!" But then again you have to remember that i"M going to Bible school and the stuff that i"m learning is actually stuff that I'm really interested in. Plus the people here are great! I mean you met So many different cultures and people, you get to share a room with 2 other people (well that's how things are giong to be this semester), I'm in New Zealand, and the atmosphere of Bible School is just great. So ya, like I said b4, I'm stoked.

Ok I guess that's all 4 now. Remember my e-mail address is Feel free to e-mail, I'll probably e-mail you back. Plus if you're luck I'll send you a couple picutres in my e-mails...just remind me about it ;) Love you all & God bless!

P.S. CONGRATULATIONS goes out to Micheal (my cousin) and Crystal Ulrich who just got married today!! yay! I wish you both the best and may God bless you as you share your new life together! Miss you both!!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Hey Earlene, it's Chantelle from Eddie Bauer! This is so weird, I know Derek Turner, too! I'm glad I came across this because I lost your email address and I was wondering how you're doing. Anyways, instead of posting my email on here for random people to see, I'll just get yours from Derek.

I hope you're doing well. Take care.