Sunday, July 10, 2005

Soundman-John Reuben

Hello again! Your'e probably wondering what i've been doing in Hamilton to kill time. Well last night I went to the movies, which i probably shouldn't have because movies here are expenseful ($14.50 NZ) but i went anyway. I ended up seeing "Fantastic Four". I really liked it. It had a good story line, plus a little "love story" and I'm always a sucker for those kind of things. ;) I kinda wanna see it again, I liked it that much. However like I said before it cost a pretty penny so I probably won't see it again until it comes to video.

When I got back to my hostel I was surprisingly the one there last night which was really nice. I ended up watching 2 other movies that were on the TV. I saw "50 First Dates" and "As Good As It Gets". They were alright movies to wind down the day.

This keyboard is really weird. I mean it's got Chinese and Japanese characters on it as well as the English letters. Weird as!

I also got a CD today (ya another one!) but this is John Reuben, so he was worth it. Besides, I haven't gotten a Christian CD in a long time. i"m excited! Oh and i got an e-mail from Ron, and he said that all returning students need to go back to school on Saturday night. I guess we're supposed to go early to set up stuff and what not.

Well i guess that's all for now. Hope to heard for ya'll soon. God bless!

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