Sunday, July 17, 2005

The Night Before Spring 2005 Began

Hello one and all! Well at the moment I'm on campus @ Capernwray
awaiting the arrival of the new students which should be happening tomorrow.
I'll give you the lown down on what's been going in my mind the past 24
hours since I got here:

School life
It's SO weird being "back home" at Capernwray because i feel as if I
should expect Stacey and Ruth to jump out of a corner and yell "Hey
Ernie!" or to hear Graham say "Hey Lene!" to me from computer room. I feel
as if I"m home, but I've been detached from it. it's nice to be back
but it's weird not having the familiary people again. The place just
feels so empty. I mean it'll fill up a little bit by tomorrow, but it'll be
SO different from going from a 65 student school to a 37 student

Well I"m in S8, which is 3 doors down from my old room S5. I thought
that the staff would be putting all the returning students with all new
students (as in only one returning student/room) however that wasn't
the case with me. i mean i"m not disappointed that I'm staying with
another returning student, to me it would have made more sense to do it the
other way around. My roomies this term are Bethany (from Japan....well
she's Canadian but her parents are missionaries in Japan) and a girl
named Jennifer (whom I haven't met yet but I"m sure she'll be coming
tomorrow). so ya there's just the 3 of us in a room. It'll be nice having
all the extra space, however it'll be differnet because I'm used to
sharing a room with 3 other girls.

Family Groups:
since there's less students there's not as many family groups as there
was last semester. Instead of 7-8 families we had last time there's
only going to be 5 families with about 6-7 students per family. My family
group this time around is the Collishaw/Pederson family. I"m excited
about this because not only do I get to know these staff members better,
there's 2 returning students in my family. Who you may ask? Vanessa and
Charlie!! OH ya! How much fun will I have (only students from Autumn
2005, will really know what i"m talking about ;) ) So ya I"m pretty

However since I"m a returning students, we get to do our family bible
studies first off. Charlie can't really do his 1st because he's doing
Morning tea devotions. So that only leaves me and Vanessa. I have this
slight fear that I'll be the one to give my bible study first. I kinda
want to give one on a passage that will get the new students pumped for
the semester. Any ideas? I'd love to hear them :)

Expectations of Returning Students
Now that i"m a returning student there's a little bit different
expectations. I know the rules in the "life file" (our student rule book) and
I"m now supposed to be the one that tells the newbies "hey, you
actually can't do that here". Ya, i get to lay down the law. Oh and speaking
of the life file, Ron changed it abit:
-new cover...there's a picture of Vicki, Kalli, Amy A. and Tasha on the
-new rule....we can watch movies on Friday nights & Saturday nights
-new rule....we dont' have to be in our own room at curfew. Now we can
stay in our friends rooms (girls in girls, and guys in guys) and chat
if we need to, however we need to be curtious of other people in the
rooms. Somehow I have the feeling that that rule will get abused a bit, so
we'll see if that rule sticks or not.

As for assignments this time around, all Ron really mentioned about
that is we (as returning students) will have 3-4 15 page papers due this
term. Not too bad seeing as i wrote an 8 page study paper on Marriage.
He mentioned that some of the topics of our study papers will be
different doctrines. I"m really looking forward to researching the Doctrine of
God. Basically a doctrine is a paper that explains something; what is
it? how did it get here? what am I supposed to do with it now?

But ya. that's all i can really say for now. Please pray for me as i
start up this next semester. I'm kinda nervous about being "looked up to"
as a returning student and because as much as I loved last semester, i
don't want to get too hung up on it. So ya, that would be great if you
could pray 4 me. Thanx! I guess that's all 4 now. Thanx for the
comments some of you have been giving me about the blog, that's great :). Love
and miss you all lots. God bless!

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